How to Earn Yield with Essentia: 1-Click Masternodes Deploy & 1-Click Staking Options

Essentia One
Published in
3 min readMar 10, 2021

Note! There is a minimum limit of 100K to swap ESS to ESSX and vice versa.

As you probably already know, Essentia is not simply a dApp for our users to enjoy. We also provide multiple ways for everyone to earn passive income off of the already existing ESS tokens/coins. All that in a smart, 1-click way. No need to waste hours for set ups, with Essentia it will only take a blink of an eye.

Today, we will be reviewing all the available staking options, those being masternodes deployment and staking itself. Let’s go!


One of the first ways to earn off of the Essentia blockchain that we introduced were masternodes. Initially, you would need to use your command line to set it up, now we have introduced an automatic solution that does everything for you with only a few clicks of a button.

Before diving into the conditions of deploying the masternode, let’s define what it in fact is.

“Masternode is a cryptocurrency full node or computer wallet that keeps the full copy of the blockchain in real-time. They perform several other functions apart from just keeping the full blockchain and relaying blocks/transactions.

Some of the special functions that these nodes perform are:

  • Increasing privacy of transactions
  • Doing instant transactions
  • Participating in governance and voting.”

Thanks to the masternodes that our users are running, the network has become faster and more secure.

In order to set up a masternode, you are required to stake a certain amount of coins, in our case ESSX. You won’t need to send your funds anywhere, the needed amount will simply be locked inside your wallet. As long as you don’t move the money, the masternode will be running.

Now that we’ve established all the nuances, let’s move to the passive earnings part.

How to earn with the Essentia Masternode?

The Essentia blockchain features 2 types of masternodes, Mars and Mercury.


Stake amount: 300K ESSX (plus 1000 for server fees otherwise your MN gets stopped when you run out)

Rewards stats:

Masternode Autodeploy Tutorial by Altcoin Buzz


Stake amount: 100K ESSX (plus 1000 for server fees otherwise your MN gets stopped when you run out).

Rewards stats:


If you’d like to set up a masternode, here are some resources to check out:

Masternode Auto-deploy Overview & Guide

Deploy Your Masternode and Get Your Fees Covered



Apart from the masternodes, there is another way to earn rewards in ESS, and it’s staking. We also provide a 1-click staking solution, all to make the process easy and painless. The minimal sum for enabling staking is 10K ESSX. Staking requires no server, and thus no server fee needs to be paid.

All you need to do is to lock the coins in your wallet, and as long as they stay there, you will be earning rewards. You’re just a few clicks away from receiving your rewards!


If you’d like to start staking, here are some resources to check out:

Essentia Staking Guide


Any other way?

If you feel like masternodes and staking are not your cups of tea, don’t forget that we have farms running on Unicrypt.

Whatever way you choose, you will end up earning ESS tokens passively, without much effort. If you have any questions regarding anything said, make sure to hit us up on the official Telegram channel. Happy earning with Essentia!



Essentia One

Decentralized data management framework. With one seed, you can control all of your dApps, identities, and assets. Website: