Josh Dzielak

Burner, Dev Relations Lead at Algolia

On this episode of the podcast, I sat down on the floor — Japanese style — with Josh Dzielak, a Burner and Dev Relations lead at Algolia.

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As we do, we start off by getting into Josh’s career history (Accenture, Togetherville, VP of Eng Keen IO) followed by a conversation about Burning Man.

Josh has been through 6 burns. This has given him some perspective on how the Counter Culture and Burning Man have influenced culture at technology companies like Google, Apple, and Keen IO. We discuss this and more:

  • What is Burning Man and why would you want to go
  • The importance of principles for Burning Man
  • Decompression (integration back into the default culture after the burn)
  • Minimalism (why Josh has reduced his physical footprint)
  • Synchronicity and unlearning Causality
  • An epic sunrise with glow frisbee and grilled cheese sandwiches (this is how Josh bonded with founders of Keen IO where he was later hired as VP of Eng)
  • How the gifting economy maps to open source software


In the second part of the show, we drop into a discussion on Developer Relations (PR for geeks). Josh leads the developer relations team at Algolia. You’ll learn:

  • The importance of the geek-to-geek protocol
  • If becoming a developer advocate is the right role for you
  • The importance of “the vibe” for your developer events
  • The value in creating a speaker training program
  • Tips for becoming a great speaker (breathing, grounding, storytelling)
  • How to bootstrap and build a developer community
  • The orbit model for thinking about the layers in your community


Algolia is the best way to build search into your mobile app or website.

The Essential Cast explores how outside hobbies and interests of engineering leaders influence leadership philosophies, processes, and tactics.

