Core-Geth, a distribution of go-ethereum with many flavors 🌈

Stevan Lohja
Published in
2 min readMar 5, 2020

As mentioned in our recent 2020 roadmap announcement, our development team is now maintaining, Core-Geth, a client that is differentiating from Multi-Geth. We maintained Multi-Geth for that past year implementing OpenRPC, fork preparedness, and bringing the client to a point of no longer being a near-direct copy of upstream branches. However, we’re excited to continue innovating the Core-Geth client and ensuring a sustainable client for the Ethereum Classic ecosystem.

Core-Geth is a distribution of go-ethereum with many flavors 🌈 allowing users to run Ethereum Classic, Ethereum, and related test-networks. Core-Geth supports OpenRPC’s allowing users to interact with Core-Geth using the Ethereum JSON-RPC API.

Phoenix Hard Fork Preparedness

Core-Geth v1.11.0 is the first client ready for the Ethereum Classic Phoenix hard-fork expected to occur around June 2020 or block 10_500_839.

v1.11.0 implements block activation values for ECIP1088, ETC’s planned “Phoenix” hard fork. Please upgrade to this release or later for Phoenix support for ETC.

  • 999_983 on Mordor Classic PoW-testnet (April, 2020)
  • 2_200_013 on Kotti Classic PoA-testnet (April, 2020)
  • 10_500_839 on Ethereum Classic PoW-mainnet (June 10th, 2020)

Users using our releases of Multi-Geth please migrate to Core-Geth. We apologize for any inconvenience, but we’re here to help! There’s a public #core-geth chat channel on our Discord to discuss Core-Geth topics.

Discord invite

About ETC Core

ETC Core is a leading Ethereum Classic core development team. We deliver infrastructure tooling, specifications, and resources to the Ethereum Classic ecosystem. We strongly believe in high-quality software, readability, and cross-chain compatibility. We maintain the Core-Geth client and actively participate in protocol research, upgrades, and events. We maintain the EVM-LLVM backend project and committed to maximizing EVM capabilities and innovating smart contract development. Check out our projects:

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