UPDATED: Top Miners Confirmed to Support Phoenix Ethereum Classic Hard-Fork— Phoenix Status Update [04/30/2020]

Stevan Lohja
Published in
4 min readApr 30, 2020

UPDATE May 12, 2020: 88% of the hash-rate is now confirmed to support Phoenix.

We’re happy to announce that the top miners, whom make up at least 68%(Now 88%) of the hash-rate share on Ethereum Classic, have confirmed support for the Phoenix hard fork which is expected to occur at block 10_500_839, around Jun 3, 2020. Much thanks to 2miners, AntPool/ Bitmain, Comining, Ethermine, F2Pool, Mole Pool, NanoPool, MiningPoolHub and others whom have confirmed Phoenix support.

With a month until the upgrade, this puts the network in very good standing and we hope more miners, pools, and other stakeholders are preparing to support the Phoenix hard fork. We will continue to coordinate the coming hard-fork with stakeholders along with the rest of the ETC community.

If you are an miner/ pool, exchange, or other stakeholder, then please subscribe a contact to the ETC Signal 📡 to receive hard fork status updates, consensus updates, or security alerts.

Secure your nodes by migrating from [Parity or Multi-geth] to [Core-geth or Hyperledger Besu]

If you are a miner/ pool, exchange, wallet provider, or any other service that utilizes Ethereum Classic node software, then you should update or migrate to Core-geth or Hyperledger Besu software.

Parity Ethereum has now moved to the community managed Open Ethereum project and Multi-geth is now community managed with even far less technical support. Core-geth is directly maintained by the ETC Core team, backed by ETC Labs, and ETC Coop is backing ETC support in Hyperledger Besu. Node software is a part of critical infrastructure to the ETC ecosystem and your ETC products or services.


Core-Geth is a fresh fork of the Foundation’s Go Ethereum client with more features and better security considerations. If you have been running Core-Geth in the past, simply make sure you are on the latest version of the client.

Hyperledger Besu

Besu is a new enterprise-grade Ethereum Classic client developed by ConsenSys under the umbrella of the Hyperledger project. If you have been running Besu in the past, simply make sure you are on the latest version of the client.


About ETC Core

ETC Core is a leading Ethereum Classic core development team. We deliver infrastructure tooling, specifications, and resources to the Ethereum Classic ecosystem. We strongly believe in high-quality software, readability, and cross-chain compatibility. We maintain the Core-Geth client and actively participate in protocol research, upgrades, and events. We maintain the EVM-LLVM backend project and committed to maximizing EVM capabilities and innovating smart contract development. Check out our projects: https://etccore.io/projects

Follow ETC Core

DISCLAIMER This is an emergent and evolving highly technical space. If you choose to implement the recommendations in this post and continue to participate, you should make sure you understand how it impacts you. You should understand that there are risks involved including but not limited to risks like unexpected bugs. By choosing to implement these recommendations, you alone assume the risks of the consequences. This post and recommendations are not a sale of any kind and do not create any warranties of any kind including but not limited to any relating to the Ethereum Classic network or the Ethereum Classic clients referred to herein.

