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Etch To Their Own
Etch To Their Own
Everybody makes a mark somewhere. These last lines, which we will maybe get to. Poetry in your inbox every Friday, poetry on here some time afterwards.
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High spirits

High Spirits: A round of drinking stories is a short story anthology revolving around drinking, drunkenness and featuring alcohol more…

Make Believe

Judson Hamilton’s The New Make Believe from Dostoyevsky Wannabe mixes odd, meaningful places with crunchy names and concepts with a…

Much like god in the end.

This week, I have been reading Lynn Mitchell’s The Red Beach Hut as a kind of palate cleanser to last week’s Amygdalatropolis.
 Last week’s novel did leave me kind of ruined by the absolute outpouring of filth that seemed deeply real — because everything/nothing is real/matters…

Canon, Liberated

Liberating The Cannon, a new anthology edited by Isabel Waidner and published by Dostoyevsky Wannabe (under their Experimental mark) sets out to present the intersection of queer experience and experimental writing. The anthology takes its first cue from classism throughout, presenting experimental…