An Update on Learn2Earn

George Hervey
Ethereum Cat Herders
3 min readJan 20, 2023

The Ethereum Cat Herders working group is excited to announce a major update to the Learn2Earn website: the switch from POAPs to our own NFTs for rewarding users who ace the course quizzes!

For those unfamiliar with Learn2Earn, it is an educational platform that rewards users with NFTs for learning about Ethereum and its protocols. If you want more details on it, either to get up to speed or as a refresher, read our announcement post.

Now on to the update.


Up until now, we have been using POAPs (Proof of Attendance Protocol) as our reward system. POAPs have served us well, but we believe that the switch to our own custom NFTs will be more beneficial to our users.

Mainly, our NFTs are more scalable and uncapped. No more running out of POAPs. We limited with the number of POAPs we can request at time which caused us to run out of them quickly. The need to frequently request more POAPs was problematic and the reason we built our own NFTs. Now, anyone who takes a course and passes the quiz with 100% can mint an NFT as a badge of completion.

Current Status

We are thrilled to announce that our custom NFTs are already deployed on the Polygon Mainnet and Mumbai Testnet. We can’t wait for you to start earning and using these new rewards.

What you’ll need

When it comes time to mint your reward, you will need MATIC in your wallet to cover the gas fee. If you do not own MATIC on Polygon Mainnet, here is a way to acquire some:

  1. Swap ETH or an ERC20 token for MATIC on Uniswap, Matcha, or some other DEX (decentralized exchange).
  2. Bridge your new MATIC onto the Polygon chain via the Polygon Bridge.

Or, you can use a fiat on-ramp service, such as MoonPay, to fund your wallet address with MATIC directly on the Polygon network.

To acquire some MATIC on the Mumbai Testnet, you will either have to ask a friend or resort to a faucet. My go-to testnet faucets are the ones hosted by Alchemy. Their Mumbai faucet is here:

Add Polygon Network to your wallet

If you are using Metamask or browser extension wallet, you will need to be connected to the Polygon or Mumbai network to mint your reward NFTs.

You can add these networks to your wallet via Chainlist:

You will also have the ability to add and switch to these networks after connecting your wallet to the L2E website and clicking on “Switch to Polygon/Mumbai”.

Try it out!

Go to and start learning! Give us feedback as well!


Special thanks to all the contributors who assisted in this update! Cheers!

This is a free, open-source project. If you would like to contribute as well, please check out our Github repo and reach out on Discord. We would be thrilled to have you on board!

Shoutout to George Hervey, Pooja Ranjan, Samarth Agarwal and Metago.

Support the Ethereum Cat Herders

We look forward to continuing to bring you the best educational resources and rewards for learning about Ethereum.

Thank you for reading 🙏.

