Ethereum Cat Herders Update #22

Pooja Ranjan
Ethereum Cat Herders
4 min readJun 2, 2020

Another edition of community updates to share the latest in Ethereum development. You can read the previous ECH update here.

Berlin Upgrade

EIPs selected for Berlin upgrade are getting ready to be tested on the ephemeral testnet YOLO that was proposed in the previous Ethereum All Core Developers meeting. The Meta EIP-2657 for Ephemeral Testnet Yolo, created by James Hancock tracks the EIPs planned for v1. According to the Berlin Client Tracker, most of the clients have signaled to participate in the testnet.

EIP-2315: Simple Subroutines for the EVM

A change proposed by Alex B(for opcode) was discussed further in the previous All Core Developers meeting. PR will be created and merged before the spec is frozen and then consensus test cases will be generated to get into the Yolo testnet. Discussion related to EIP-2315 can be followed at Fellowship of Ethereum Magicians.

EIP-2537: BLS12–381 curve operations

This precompile adds operation on BLS12–381 curve as a precompile in a set necessary to efficiently perform operations such as BLS signature verification and perform SNARKs verifications. Berlin timeline is dependent on the readiness of this EIP.

Clients update:

  • Geth: At least 3 consensus issues and crashers in assembly code were found in Geth. The Geth client has security concerns but fine with the EIP getting ready for the Yolo testnet.
  • Besu: PR is already merged.
  • OpenEthereum: A pull request by Alex is under review and will be merged soon.
  • Nethermind: They had testing and merging planned for the (previous) weekend.

Meta EIP-2070

Client status tracker

Follow the Ethereum Cat Herders website for updates on the Ethereum upgrade.

ECH in Community Promotion Ads — 2020 at Ethereum Stack Exchange

Ethereum Cat Herders is participating at the Ethereum Stack Exchange Community Promotion Ads — 2020. If you’re already familiar with the Cat Herder’s engagement with the community and want to spread words about us, you may upvote our ads to increase visibility here.

Shout out to William Schwab and Edson Ayllon!!

Ethereum Community Updates

Events and hackathon

All Core Developers meeting

1559 Implementers meeting

Client status on implementation:

  • Geth and Besu: Implementation completed, a local Geth <> Besu testnet working with the changes.
  • Nethermind: Research completed, implementation started.
  • OpenEthereum: Not on immediate agenda, focused on Berlin.

Dan Finlay from Metamask shared design update on how EIP-1559 and the escalator fees alternative would look for users, feedback welcome at EthMagicians.

Additional resources:

If you want to get involved, you can join the #1559-fee-market on the Ethereum R&D discord at

Ethereum 2.0

Eth 2.0 Testnet (Phase 0)

  • Spec version 0.12.0 has been released, with the long-anticipated update to the BLS signature standards.
  • The developers of the Ethereum Beacon chain, decided to discontinue the Schlesi testnet after the chain stopped finalizing new checkpoints. While, it could have been recovered but on May 26th, Witti testnet went live with genesis. It was live-streamed on Twitch by Afri S.
  • ETH2 Staking Community Call #6 — Afri Schoedon

Network explorers for Witti testnet:

Additional resources

EIPIP meeting

  • EIPIP meeting 8: agenda, video, notes.
  • THE next EIPIP meeting is proposed on Wednesday, June 03, 2020, at 1500 UTC. Agenda.

Ethereum Cat Herders

  • ECH call#34: agenda, video, notes.
  • Next call is proposed on June 09, 2020, at 14:00 UTC

Ethereum Foundation 2020 Spring Update

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You can follow the Ethereum Cat Herders at Website, GitHub, Twitter, Reddit, Medium, and Gitter. Thanks for reading!!!

— The Ethereum Cat Herders



Pooja Ranjan
Ethereum Cat Herders

Herder-in-chief @EthCatHerders, Founder @ether_world, I share news and views about blockchain technology. Ethereum.