Ethereum Cat Herders Update #21

Pooja Ranjan
Ethereum Cat Herders
4 min readMay 19, 2020

Ethereum Cat Herders community update is here with another issue to recap the latest in Ethereum developments and other exciting progress in the ecosystem. You can read the previous one here.

Berlin Upgrade

Ethereum 1.0 chain is preparing for the Berlin upgrade which is proposed to be on the mainnet in mid-July 2020. An ephemeral testnet YOLO is also proposed for this network upgrade.

Accepted EIPs

Proposed EIPs

  • EIP-2046: Reduced gas cost for static calls made to precompiles
  • EIP-2565: Repricing of the EIP-198 ModExp precompile

Meta EIP-2070

Client status tracker

Follow the Ethereum Cat Herders website for the latest on Ethereum upgrade.

Blockchain Conferences

Consensus 2020

We’re delighted to share that ECH facilitated the participation of Ethereum projects and protocols in Coindesk’s Consensus 2020 event to share the latest in the Ethereum ecosystem with the rest of the world. Thanks to ingenious speakers for their participation.

1559 design bounty

As part of the first EIP-1559 implementers’ call (summary), one of the identified next steps is to organize a community bounty for what the “send a transaction” UI would look like under either EIP-1559 or the newly proposed alternative of “Escalator Fees”. The Ethereum Cat Herders are facilitating this bounty. You may find various resources on both proposals here.

If you can help with either with funding or advertising, please reach out to Pooja Ranjan ( and Tim Beiko (

(Correction: EIP 1559 wallet design bounty.)


Greg Colvin, the current champion of EIP-1057 a.k.a ProgPOW joined the ECH bi-weekly call to explore the ways to educate the community on the proposed algorithm for Ethereum blockchain. Visit ECH website to find a curated list of resources from Fellowship of Ethereum Magicians, Ethereum Cat Herders, and other community blogs as well as a list of ongoing voting platforms available for ProgPOW.

Ethereum Community Updates

Development Update #3

Ecosystem Support Program

All Core Developers meeting

Ethereum 1.x research

Ethereum 2.0

EIPIP meeting

Ethereum Cat Herders

  • ECH call#33: agenda, video, notes.
  • Next call is proposed on May 26, 2020, at 14:00 UTC

Support the Ethereum Cat Herders

Share yours ❤️ with the Cat Herders. We accept all tokens!

Thank you, everyone, for kind words and donations in Gitcoin CLR.

You can follow the Ethereum Cat Herders at Website, GitHub, Twitter, Reddit, Medium and Gitter.

Thanks for reading, stay safe and see you next month for another update.

— The Ethereum Cat Herders



Pooja Ranjan
Ethereum Cat Herders

Herder-in-chief @EthCatHerders, Founder @ether_world, I share news and views about blockchain technology. Ethereum.