Ethereum Magicians Magic Culture

The Fellowship of Ethereum Magicians
4 min readAug 21, 2020

Who are Ethereum Magicians and what’s Ethereum Magicians Culture?

This article is about:

  • History
  • Symbols
  • Principles and Vision
  • Culture
  • Events

We are unique in the way we facilitate the community, and how we present us and represent the Ethereum tech community. Let’s dive in to find out how we do it.

History 📜

We published our Vision, principles and practises where we explained our vision and principles of Ethereum Magicians. This was published in 2018, the year when it all started, although the initial discussions started in late 2017 at Devcon3. Since this article by James Pitts was published, a lot has changed, mostly from organisational structure. Ethereum Magicians is a public organisation, which means that people come and people leave whenever they want. Our community is evolving as well as the Ethereum Ecosystem is expanding. Our Vision and principles stay, we are just adding * sparkles* to it. We are on the mission to support the community technical discussions and development.

“Ethereum Magicians forum is a place on the internet where your voice will be heard and your contributions to Open Source will matter. ”

To get to know more about who are Ethereum Magicians, check out our Slides from Devcon5.

Symbols ✨🦄

We love Sparkles as that’s the representation of something magical, a bit mysterious but always exciting. We love Unicorns as they are the symbol of something that’s highly desirable but difficult to find or obtain. By highly desirable but difficult to obtain, we mean the consensus. Consensus involves finding agreement so that the relevant needs are addressed, finding the best solution among the minds at the table, and denying no one’s voice in the process. We, builders of the Ethereum ecosystem, struggle with finding the consensus of the running code. By facilitating people to talk about consensus, people can come with solutions faster, especially when they work in a group. We are aiming to be the representation of builders of the Ethereum ecosystem. We love adding fun stuff to the discussion with unicorns and sparkles as the representatives of this community.

Principles and Vision 📝

Ethereum Magicians are not trying to centralise community, we arose to help the community have a meaningful place on the internet for Ethereum related technical discussions. No one can centralize the community. We are supporting discussion around Ethereum Improvement Proposals. We are not trying to be focused only on EIPs, because we are an open forum where anyone can come and post anything Ethereum related. We also love to support the community on the educational side.

We are strong believers in spoken discussions, we used to organise in-person Councils and Sessions, where we were making people discuss the problems that we are facing within the Ethereum ecosystem and facilitating people to come to a conclusion to a current problem. Anyone could come and join the circle and discuss. We do love when people would come up with a conclusion, we don’t force people to do the work just to contribute. We do enjoy when people keep joining our discussions, talking about our sessions and following us.

Culture 🥳

We love to come up with fun stuff to add the Magic to it. We brought Unicorns to Berlin, spin off the most important discussions around ETH1.x in Osaka, and brought Unicorn cupcakes to Paris. We would love to bring you something physical to online gatherings, but our capacities are limited. We are working on bringing you the best experience with online events.

This is our culture = this is Ethereum Magicians.

Events 🧙

Earlier in our history we used to host Councils, open discussion alike circles where anyone could join the discussions. We hosted several Council events and they were popular amongst the community. We want to take advantage of those Councils and find ways to transfer them into online space. We are aiming to provide the best place where the community can come and discuss. We would love to stay away from Crypto Twitter dramas, we are not about drama, we are about meaningful discussions, proof or work (doing the work), trying to figure out problems together. We love to support the community in meaningful discussions, coming up with consensus and delivering the code or other kinds of proof or their work.

With the technology that we have, we can do *magic*. We are exploring a lot and are on the long way to find out the perfect magic cocktail mix for our community.

We took this as a Magic challenge! We love finding out a new way to facilitate Ethereum technical discussions and adding *Magic* to it.

We tried to experiment with Gather last time, and found it the best place for our discussions. We are looking into more alternatives to bring you the best experience from the virtual gathering possible. We would love to see more people opening up topics and coming up with discussions.

The real Magic is not the conversation, the real magic is the consensus behind all of what’s happening that day, it’s about the people, topics and everything that comes along with it.

We are on the road to build and break things, we love challenges and we are going to host another Council alike online session soon. Think about topics that you would love to chat about, we will do the rest. We are open to hear what you think about us, Ethereum Magicians.

Looking forward to another Ethereum Magicians virtual session — coming soon. 🤗

Stay Magical ✨

