Ethermon Community Round Up August 9th 2021

Published in
4 min readAug 9, 2021

Incredible Community Growth Continues 🚀

Our discord server has grown tremendously over the last month. Today, we crossed over 10,000 members and we are just getting started! We love and appreciate every single one of you new Trainers joining the Ethermon mission. Together we will build the strongest play-to-earn community in the world!

Here’s a big shout out to our members who placed in the top 10 on our community leaderboard this past week. We will be awarding a rare Mon NFT to any member who reaches level 40 based on their community contributions and support of other members. Who will be the first!?

We continue to expand our Discord Community Moderator Team on a rolling basis. If you are interested in applying to join our Mod squad, you can apply here.

Player base

The Ethermon player base continues to rocket upwards as we are now over 140k TOTAL PLAYERS!!! Both Ethermon’s 2D and 3D games are experiencing huge increases in traffic due to this rapid influx of player growth. To account for this growth we are actively in the process of readjusting the EMON reward opportunities within the ecosystem. We’ve made a post earlier this week regarding these changes and teasing the upcoming 5th pvp battle ladder soon to be released.

Webinar Series 👨‍🏫

For those starting out in their Ethermon careers, we have several community run webinar series being hosted to introduce some beginner concepts to the audience. We’re so thankful to all our international leaders picking up the torch and hosting these events. Below is a breakdown of webinar opportunities for those interested in participating 👇

Beginner Webinar (English): Every Sunday at 12 and 7 pm UTC

Beginner Webinar (Spanish): Monday, August 16 at 7 pm UTC

Beginner & DCL Webinar (Filipino/Tagalog): Monday, August 23 at 1:30 pm UTC

Webinars are currently hosted on Discord only, accessed on our “Webinars” voice channel. You can always keep track of and register for upcoming webinars on our #event-registration channel. Participants will receive POAP NFTs.

Community Calls are MASSIVE 😃

When we started our weekly community gatherings in the Discord, we were barely breaking 20 attendees per week. We’re amazed at the level of support and communal energy spreading these days. If you haven’t had the opportunity to join the calls, we’d love to see you soon.

We use this time to discuss important topics happening in the Ethermon world and catch up the community with what is happening on the development front. Also, we regularly do EMON giveaways to those in attendance and we release a POAP NFT claimable to all!


Lastly we’d like to highlight the entire communities effort for breaking through in a big way one of the most historic accomplishments in metaverse history! It has taken a couple of months but collectively, Trainers have discovered more than 1 million Silver Tickets in Decentraland!

This is huge for many reasons, first because no community has ever collectively put in this amount of effort to achieve any task in the metaverse. To see continual growth of the 3D player base and continual engagement in the Silver Ticket economy is laying the foundation for play-to-earn moving forward. Our goal as a development team is to expand this communal work ethic into the 3D game experience as it will encompass several tasks for Trainers to engage in, all providing economic benefit to those willing to participate.

About Ethermon is a pioneer of Ethereum based blockchain gaming. It was initially launched in 2017, making it one of the longest standing NFT projects. With over 200 Mons in existence and a multi-verse game presence, Ethermon has become one of the more robust gaming ecosystems in the market. Mons can now be found within the 2D turn based web version AND the 3D open world of Decentraland where Ethermon trainers will be able to Play to Earn in multiple ways.

Join the community building the best Play to Earn Game Verse in the Metaverse and beyond! Follow our social channels and join the discord / telegram to begin your Ethermon Adventure today!

Official Links

Twitter | Telegram | Discord | Website | Medium




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