We welcome a new community to EthicHub!

Published in
3 min readJul 10, 2020

Leer en español: https://medium.com/ethichub/damos-la-bienvenida-a-una-nueva-comunidad-a-ethichub-f1b7e2983e38

Small farmers in the Camambé Canton join the EthicHub family and request a first financing project for the “weeding” of the coffee plantation.

EthicHub continues grow their coffee, and we add a new community of farmers to our platform. On this occasion, it is the Camambé Canton community, a town located in the municipality of Cacahoatán, very close to the border with Guatemala. These farmers make their coffee plantations at the height of 1,472 meters above the sea level, which allows them to produce excellent high-altitude coffee.

As usual, they are people with many needs, due to their situation of being excluded from the traditional financial system. Despite being hard-working and having a profitable activity, they cannot break the cycle of poverty that grips them, and despite producing excellent coffee, they still live in houses with a tin roof and with severe living conditions. They are a clear example of what we call the “last mile.” This expression defines how difficult it is to reach them and offer them new forms of financing, that are cheaper and more accessible, and the possibility of selling their crops at better prices. Because of the problem with accessibility and communication, it isn’t straightforward to make purchases with other nearby towns or supply tasks. And we are proud that we can say: EthicHub has managed to get there.

We are very proud of all of you who have contributed to the real and productive economy with us and who keep making a social impact with us. Also, You are proof that with a small investment, one can make a substantial social impact.

With the incorporation of the Camambé canton, there are already ten coffee communities enjoying the advantages of operating on our platform. Before, Las Delicias, Chespal, Chanjalé, San Rafael, Guatimoc, La Boquilla, La Soledad, Salchiji, and Pavencul have done it. And in the future new ones will be incorporated to continue growing and generating more socio-economic impact. Together we are demonstrating that there is another way of doing things. It is now possible to create ecosystems where mutual relationships and collaboration are the powerful engines of a future sustainable and environmentally friendly economy.

Connecting people. Harvesting wealth.

