Etsy supports new legislation that protects microbusinesses from burdensome online sales tax requirements

Ilyssa Meyer
Etsy Impact
Published in
2 min readOct 1, 2018
Photo by KristinDouglasART

Today, we submitted a letter to Representatives Sensenbrenner, Eshoo, Lofgren, and Duncan, thanking them for the introduction of a new bill concerning internet sales tax. After delivering the signatures of more than 16,000 Etsy sellers from all 50 states in July, we continued to work with lawmakers in Washington, urging them to thoughtfully consider the best interest of the microbusinesses they represent.

The Online Sales Simplicity and Small Business Relief Act (H.R. 6824) is a step towards answering the call from Etsy sellers for protection from burdensome online sales tax requirements. Importantly, the bill would exempt all sellers earning under $10 million in annual revenues from any requirement to collect and remit sales tax for buyers outside their home state. We believe this bill is incredibly important in ensuring that millions of microbusiness owners are rightfully protected from a chaotic remote tax collection environment that, if not addressed through this legislation, would place microbusinesses in the cross hairs of tens of thousands of taxing jurisdictions.

Etsy sellers — most of whom are businesses of one working from their homes — are the new face of a digital main street. They are pursuing creative businesses on their own terms, and a complex patchwork of state and local tax systems would stifle their entrepreneurial endeavors.

Join us in advocating for a simple, fair, federal solution that works for the smallest of businesses by writing to your Member of Congress today.

