Which class to choose in Lineage 2 Classic

4Game EU
Published in
12 min readFeb 7, 2019

In our recent guide we talked about how to choose a role in MMORPG depending your personality. But what about the game class? How to choose the right character if the game offers 31 different options? In this guide to Lineage II Classic, we describe them all to help you make the right choice.


The first thing to mind is the character’s race. It impacts the character’s stats regardless the class chosen. For example, orc warriors have a destructive physical force in close combat, and their shamans use rituals to strengthen their allies and weaken enemies.

Elves are the most dexterous of all races. No one can keep up with their speed.

Dark elves are skilled in killing. They have the highest parameters of physical and magical power, but their fragile health forces them to act more covertly.

Dwarves are unique masters of Elmoreden. They are the only one who can craft items, build golems and spoil mobs to obtain exclusive items.

The human race is well balanced: according to the game lore, humans have absorbed the best qualities from all other races.


All players must complete transfer quests when they reach key levels in order to advance in class evolution. It happens on levels 20, 40, and 76. We describe the classes of the 2nd profession transfer, because this is the main choice that determines your gaming experience. After the upgrade at the 40th level, the class evolves linearly.

We recommend you to check with the class tree in order to avoid any mistake. The following description of the classes’ gameplay is based on the settings of the official European server Skelth. We categorized the classes according to their roles for your convenience.


No party can do effectively without a stable shield that protects it from monsters and enemies. Tanks are also extremely useful during sieges as they can destabilize the position of the enemy forces.

Dark Avenger. One of the most popular human classes in the game who can use dark magic powers. He can stun his opponents or horrify them, but he’s most famous for the dark panther he can summon. Dark Avenger is excellent at controlling enemies, but can also deal significant damage.

Shillien Knight. The key feature of this class are magic cubes that assist the player in battles. They can suck out enemies’ HP, infect the enemy with poison and even weaken his general parameters, such as physical defence and attack. The knights of Shillien use the powers of the Goddess of destruction to hit the enemy with lightning paralyze. Uh, that’s not the type of guy you’d come close to in a battle.

Temple Knight. This knight can also summon cubes. They are empowered by Eve, the Goddess of water: they heal the player and his group, cause damage and immobilize enemies. Elven tanks are superheroes when it comes to protection, however, they deal close to zero damage in PvP.

Paladin. Paladins are a mixture of a tank and a healer. They can heal themselves and party members thanks to divine powers of the light. This is also helpful in PvE: undeads are very vulnerable to this power.


These fighters are not as good in surviving big damage as tanks, but they still can endure much and also deal heavy damage. There are plenty of options for those of you who enjoy playing melee fighters, so just have a look and decide which one is your choice!

Destroyer. A mighty green-skinned warrior with two-handed weapons in the forefront. Destroyer becomes an incredibly powerful opponent with crushing damage when he feels the near of death (to speak in other words, when his level of HP significantly decreases). No boss raid can do without this class. One of the most effective classes in PvE and PvP. The enemies of a destroyer thank fate that he doesn’t have ranged attacks and is generally quite slow in motion.

Tyrant. They are furious fighters who showed zeal in training as God Paagrio’s monks. Tyrants use knuckle dusters as weapons, and they are able to release their flaming internal energy during the battle. These orcs can call spirits of totem animals into their bodies. That effects reminds one on animal talismans of the animated series about Jackie Chan’s Adventures. Tyrants can even overtake an elven archer when they use the Rabbit spirit. Those spirits determine the gameplay of a Tyrant, which is really grasping once you learn all the totem skills.

Gladiator. They are strong human fighters that squeeze a sword in each hand. They can both endure and deal terrific physical damage. There is a romantic halo around the gladiators. If you like the ancient history of the Roman Empire or are a fan of the film by Ridley Scott, then you should definitely try this class.

Warlord. Spears, pikes and halberds allow these soldiers deal devastating strikes to many opponents at a time. Only the Warlord is able to stun all enemies around him at a time. Such skills make this class indispensable in a good monster hunt. This class is very effective in massive PvP battles “wall to wall”, as well as during castle sieges.

Warsmith. All players refer to Warsmiths for creating items. These dwarves can also break objects (like armor, weapons or jewellery) into useful crystals. The unique mastery of the dwarves makes them the richest players in the game. They are excellent engineers who can build huge siege golems and also summon mechanical helpers for regular monster hunt. In addition, Warsmiths have buff skills that improve their equipment, and they can stun opponents with their hammers. Dwarf fans will not be dissatisfied by choosing this class.

Bounty Hunter. These dwarves have the unique ability to get special drop out of regular monsters. They are indispensable when you need to get some rare recipe or a missing piece to create armor and weapons. No party will refuse to accept such a dwarf if he shares a part of the loot (the dwarves don’t like to do it, though).


What can be better than shooting enemies from a distance and dash off in case of a fiasco? If you like such playing style, then check out your options below.

Phantom Ranger. Dark elf archers would easily be rewarded the “Strongest arrow” nomination. They are not as agile as elves and not as enduring as humans. However, if you dream of launching really deadly arrows, then this is your choice.

Hawkeye. An excellent example of the human balance. They are lissome, deal much damage, have excellent health rates and the highest chances to survive among all archers. Little chance you will be unhappy if you try them. Generally, hawkeyes are a wise choice if this is your first experience in L2Cl, and you are determined to play an archer.

Silver Ranger. People say “sparkling heels”, but this does not mean that they are only good at running away. Elven archers have always been famous for their skill. Despite the fact that their shots have the lowest damage rates among their counterparts, they pull the string faster than anyone. Like Legolas.


If the assassin’s creed is not an empty sound for you, then you should pay attention to the dagger classes. They attack from the shadows, all of the sudden, right into the back. Dagger players have the most dynamic gameplay, but also need to be most skillful and reactive. The damage caused by attacking skills depends on the physical position of the character and its enemies: if a dagger attacks right from the back, the damage is much higher than in a frontal fight.

Abyss Walker. Dark elf daggers deal fatal damage. The only weak points of these unsurpassed masters are their fragile health and a lower chance of a successful powerful attack compared to other daggers. Can you escape in time? You decide.

Plains Walker. The gods did not endow elves with a destructive force, and they are inferior in damage to their dark brethren. However, the advantage in dexterity always remains on their side. The underestimation of the Plains Walker ruined many Elmoreden warriors.

Treasure Hunter. Walking on the razor’s edge, balancing between life and death is a common thing for this class. If you can’t make your choice in favor one of the dagger classes, then this is a great option that you can do blindly and not miscalculate.


The ability to work magic is one of the main reasons we love playing fantasy games, especially MMORPG. Wizards cast spells that inflict tremendous magical damage that cannot be ignored. However, they need more support than other classes in order to realize their potential.

Spellsinger. The Goddess of the light elves blessed her children with the ability to control the element of water. Elven mages cast spells faster than other wizards. In addition, their magic has the highest chance of critical strike.

Spellhowler. Dark elves can control the wind and perform dark magic rituals. They cast spells of silence over enemies’ mages, and thus keep them out of the battle. These magicians have the most destructive magic power. However, dark elven wizards are much slower in casting spells than other mages.

Sorcerer. The magic of the human race wasn’t given them by gods, but well-earned by their agile minds. This is how they managed to compete with other races. Sorcerers use the element of fire and are especially good at casting massive destruction spells around.

Necromancer. Dark wizards abandoned traditional schools of magic and chose the way of darkness. It opened up their ability to weaken others with strong curses. They easily create their dead servants with whom they share their sufferings. Necromancers are considered one of the strongest classes in the game.


This is the perfect choice for animal lovers and a great option if you are tired of the standard gameplay. Summoners are called so because they actually summon servants that help them in battles. These mythical creatures can absorb damage and attack enemies, cast magic, heal and buff. All summoners use attack magic and can also deal significant physical damage. It is one of the best classes to play alone because summoners need less equipment and support buffs than any other class.

Elemental Summoner. These elven magicians summon unicorns that control the powers of water. Those unicorns cast strong massive attack spells. Besides, elven summoners can use the healing and magical power of special cubes. Elemental Summoner is considered the strongest damage dealer among summoners and is generally a popular choice. If you are a fan of the “My Little Pony” series, then this is definitely your class.

Warlock. Human summoners are real cat fans. They also have the ability to summon cubes that paralyze and attack enemies. Warlocks are welcomed by warriors’ parties because cats have a group buff that strengthens physical critical hits.

Phantom Summoner. Dark elven summoners look most gloomy. Mystical phantoms have great physical strength and the best defensive parameters among all servants. In addition, cubes of this class can significantly weaken and stun enemies. Phantom summoners are dreadful opponents in a duel fight. Many single players prefer this class, although you can also play it in a party.


Everybody needs a healer. Fortunately, there are a lot of classes that can heal and cast buffs, and all of them are really useful and in demand by other players. Supports are welcome at any party and in any clan, not to speak of castle sieges. If you feel like helping other rather that swing swords and cast spells, you’ll definitely find a class that suits you best.

Bishop. It is the healer. Bishop’s gameplay requires excellent reaction and concentration, because he is responsible for the lives of all group members. Bishops can instantly turn an almost dead player into a full-fledged fighter. In case of a failure they resurrect all members of a group in one fell swoop. Bishops are devoted to their faith, and it allows them to effectively deal damage to undeads, just like paladins. One of the most in-demand classes of the game.

Shillien Elder. Elves and dark elves are endowed the unique ability to give their magical energy to others. This means that Shillien Elders can recharge mana of other players. Absolutely all wizards need this ability. In addition, dark elven elders have a weakening debuff against melee attacks, which makes them indispensable satellites for warrior parties.

Elven Elder. Elven support is valued for the universal buff to resist stun and advanced healing abilities. They can also to improve the effectiveness of shield block, fuel mana and teleport the whole group to the nearest town in case of a hopeless fight. It is a useful class for PvP oriented parties.

Prophet. Probably the most popular buffer class in the game due to it’s versatility and a large amount of buffs. He doesn’t make much of a healer, though. Prophet buffs strengthen both warriors and mages. In many small parties, the Prophet is the one and only supporting buffer. It is worth mentioning that his high level buffs are more suitable for warriors.

Sword Singer. This is an elven fighter who can cast special buffs for the party by singing magical songs. Sword singers can also sometimes take over take the role of the tank. Sword Singer buffs, as well as those of a Blade Dancer, are displayed in a separate interface line of spell buffs. One of the most demanded classes, he is at the same time one of the most unpopular characters to play. The reason: close to no damage in a fight. Still, a Sword Singer can always find a group.

Bladedancer. These characters fight with two swords and use them for their magical dances that cast buffs. Dancing improves the attacking characteristics of the party. Blade Dancers can deal additional physical damage, therefore players choose them much more often than Sword Singers. They can also take up some functions of the tank, however, they are not as enduring as Sword Singers.

Warcryer. Orc shamans are generally party buffers. They have not as many buffs as Prophets, but they can strengthen the whole group at once. They can also debuff enemies, put them to sleep and drain their health. Warcryer specializes on buffs for warriors and is quite a popular class.

Overlord. The main feature of the Overlord is the ability to buff the entire clan, which can contain up to 4 groups at once. In addition, Overlords have a useful buff for wizards and strong massive debuffs. These skills create high demand for the Overlord. It is worth noting that the most desired buffs of this class appear at a fairly high level.

Now, that was a long read! We hope you enjoyed it. Have you already chosen the class you will play? If you need some advice, just let us know in comments.

Enjoy your playing! See you in Elmoreden!

