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Eugene Obrezkov
Eugene Obrezkov
Software Engineer at elastic.io. Mostly, I'm writing about internals, compilers, its optimizations and sometimes DevOps.
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ASCII presentations in terminal are real

Today, I want to tell you about one interesting project, called Kittik. The main idea behind this project is to create and show presentations which support shapes, animations, embedding code, etc… right in your terminal. Can you believe this? Ok, let’s start…

Tracing de-optimizations in NodeJS

Last time, I showed you how to profile your application and find the place which slows it down — bottleneck. It helps a lot with finding the place in the code that executes slow, so you can fix that.

Profiling NodeJS applications

In previous articles, I talked about NodeJS internals, why NodeJS is so fast, V8 internals and its optimization tricks. That’s cool, but… Understanding these things is not enough to write high-performance NodeJS applications. You still need to know, how to profile your NodeJS…