EURank 2023

Published in
3 min readMar 2, 2024

The European Super Smash Bros. Melee scene is as competitive as it has ever been. Time and time again, the best players on the continent have traveled the world and managed to beat some of the world’s best players on the biggest stage. Given that fact, you might be surprised to hear that there has not been a proper European Melee ranking since 2019. But indeed, the Phoenix Blue Ranking, released in August of 2019, was the most recent list in which Europe’s 50 best players were ordered by their results. This ranking came out at a time when many Melee tournaments in Europe were still played on the PAL version of the game, when the significant balance changes meant that Europeans were quite literally playing a different version of the game. No matter what Twitch chat tries to tell you, things have changed since then, and all European Melee tournaments are now played on the globally agreed upon NTSC version. COVID forced tournament organisers to adapt, and the SAME circuit that took place throughout 2021 played a huge part in keeping European Melee alive and well. And yet throughout all these changes, our official ranking stayed the same.

“MPGR Contenders”, released in early 2022, ranked the 30 best European players in a tier list system with no differentiation within the tiers, which was greatly appreciated. But the lack of a complete ranking was felt in the community, and the desire for an ordered list kept growing and growing. We here at the newly created EURank team shared this desire — and we are thrilled to announce that EURank 2023 is now ready for release.

16 panelists from 12 different countries compared the 2023 tournament results of more than 70 eligible players in order to give us the first full-on ranking in almost four and a half years. Some things have stayed the same, but a lot has changed. We hope you join us in celebrating the best Melee talent Europe has to offer.

How We Did It

Our data experts compiled the results of all ranking-relevant tournaments that European Melee players participated in throughout 2023. 16 panelists, consisting of top players, tournament organisers, and community experts, looked at these results and gave each player a score. This ranking is the result of these scores, and we’re looking forward to seeing who managed to make it into the top 50.


Steff$ — Austria

“Thore” Emil Blaksmark — Denmark

Acke — Finland

Exy- — France

astar — Germany

yung Ullrich — Germany

Bura — Italy

Wout “Noxxa” van Poppel — Netherlands

Nuckels — Netherlands

nago — Netherlands

10QuidShoes — United Kingdom

zondy — United Kingdom

Justin “DarkGenex” Cohen — United States

Carlos “Marah” María — Spain

Filip “Flippy” Tengwall — Sweden

Jah Ridin’ — Switzerland

The EURank Team

Dominik “Nicki” Kunze — Director

Wout “Noxxa” van Poppel — Assistant Director & Data Lead

Nago — Assistant Director & Data Collection

EuO — Data Collection

Ambisinister — Data Processing

zondy — chill viber

Filip “Flippy” Tengwall — Graphics Lead

Brendan “GimmeDatWheat” Malone — Consultation

Blurb Writers

1tab, astar, Blep, Cyric, Justin “DarkGenex” Cohen, ECS, Exy-, GG, Jekku, Jim Morrison, Kingu, Liquid_Jeans, Luke | MNR, Maks, melvil, nago, Nuckels, RestlessWhale, Schima, Strompel, Emil “Thore” Blaksmark, yung Ullrich, zondy




Competitive Super Smash Bros. Melee player and community member