How We Increased Organic Traffic to Our Landing Pages by 2X

Manikandan N
Published in
4 min readDec 24, 2019

Funnel management is an important aspect of the daily lives of product managers & digital marketers. Acquiring users and nurturing them and moving them down the funnel might sound like a simple task, but the truth is far from simple.

With our race schedules coming in thick and fast we were working on optimizing our pages to improve our conversions and the initial results are very encouraging. We managed to make an impact on both top of the funnel and with our conversions as well with our conversions increased by 300% to the previous quarter and also our traffic increased by 2X.

For any acquisition led program CPA is as important as conversions. We worked on a few tweaks to get the best out of the organic search. Optimizing pages for best practices alone can drive some pretty good results. These are the learnings from our tweaks and how we scaled to 2X growth in organic search within a month.

In terms of SEO, we kept it very simple, just focused on On-Page SEO for the initial scale. We did two crucial experiments, one for the structured data, and the other is on the landing page optimization.

Rich Results:

Structured data! That’s the real secret for ruling the featured snippet in organic search results. Rich search results which consist of graphs, carousels, info cards, and snippets usually offer better CTR compared to normal search results. This is all the more vital in driving traffic to our race sections to the marathon calendar. We decided to optimize our pages for the keywords driving traffic with structured data. The initial results were a bit slow and it took us 2 weeks before we started getting the results.

Chennai Marathon Calendar
Marathon in Chennai

Landing Page Optimization:

The “Behavior” section in Google Analytics (free) is where you can learn what your users are doing after coming to your site. Some paid tools like Hotjar might give you an even more customized understanding of your user behavior. Knowing how & where they land, what they do before clicking on the close tab will get us an idea of why they left. Hence, we used them to learn about our visitors even better.

After all the basic analysis on the user’s heatmap, we understood where & why they left us and optimized accordingly. Along with these, we focused on optimizing the landing page for a few strategically picked long-tail keywords. The result was even more interesting. We received more organic search visits beyond the actual search volume (based on Google Keyword Planner & UberSuggest) for our targeted keywords.

Landing Page Organic Traffic Improvements by 2X

Optimizing Page Speed:

Mobile users were the top priority in the industry, as most things happen on the go. We committed to optimizing our page load times as fast as possible for mobile users. Finding the slow loading pages are quite easy with the latest update in Google Search Console (GSC). Check out the Speed (experimental) under the “Enhancement” section in the new GSC for finding the slow loading pages. Though we couldn’t make overall First Contentful Paint (FCP) < 3s, the average speed was optimized for <5s, which is 25% better than our previous load time.

Off-Page SEO:

For a good spike in traffic, we should focus on building backlinks. Nevertheless, the backlink is one of the top 3 ranking factors in Google search along with Content & Rankbrain. We made sure to get high authoritative backlinks as natural as possible. It helped in getting better referral traffic along with a decent boost (long-term*) in Domain Authority (DA). Not to forget the worthy share of page views we got through Quora.

Here are the top 4 social media platforms to promote your events online. On the other hand, you can list your event here and we will take care of its promotion.

That’s all for now. We will share more insights on organic search improvement tips in the coming days.



Manikandan N
Editor for

Digital Marketer @ EventJini — India’s Leading Marathon Registration Portal