196 eggs to the winners of goldmine, surprise NFT drop and…Where are the lost 104 eggs?!

Emanuele Cesena
Published in
3 min readDec 18, 2021

Goldmine is a game from 2018, restored by the Everdragons team and deployed to POA Network to avoid high transaction costs.

All participants registering for the game received 2 POA tokens, which means ~¢80, enough to generate hundreds of transactions and play eight hours.

🍺 🍻 🍷 🍸 🍹 🍾

We are glad to announce that the Goldmine tournament has been a great success, generating 680,000 transactions in four days, more than half of the total number of transactions daily on the entire Ethereum network.

To learn more about Goldmine, please read this post.

The results

196 players, half of the participants +2 (because we made a mistake in the first calculation), won an Everdragons2 egg. Here is a dynamic leaderboard created by Skid Vis, a proud member of the ED2 community:

Congratulating the winners

We will airdrop all the eggs as soon as we deploy the Everdragons2 smart contract to Polygon (ex-Matic).

Surprise NFT drop

Skid Vis didn’t just create the leaderboard; he airdropped to all the participants a fantastic certificate of participation in the form of an NFT.

Check out all certificates on OpenSea at:

The certificate contains a player’s position, time, and whether they won an egg or not. Amazing. A great signal of a small but strong community.

Most incredibly, look that the floor price 😀

For completeness, I must say that it created some confusion in many users who found the NFT in their wallets and thought that it was the Everdragons2 egg. It is not. The ED2 eggs will come soon after the holiday season.

Thanks again to all the participants, and a special thank you to Skid Vis 🙏

The lost 104 eggs… 😉

Prepare your alliances! Soon we will call you to action to solve a sinister mystery involving our beloved dragons.

Solve the riddle, find the treasury, and get one of 104 lost dragon eggs ;)

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Emanuele Cesena

Forging the Everdragons2 NFT. Former security at Pinterest.