Go to Every 30 Days
Every 30 Days
What new ideas, tools, or skills will you add to your life in the next 30 days? The blog by the learners, teachers, programmers, and startup geeks at www.OneMonth.com
Note from the editor

What new ideas, tools, or skills will you add to your life in the next 30 days? The blog by the learners, teachers, programmers, and startup geeks at www.OneMonth.com

Go to the profile of One Month
One Month
Learn to code. Build your company. All in 30 days. http://www.onemonth.com
Go to the profile of Chris Castig
Chris Castig
Building Console.xyz. Adjunct Prof at Columbia University Business School.
Go to the profile of Zach Valenti
Zach Valenti
Creativity, self-care, media, & technology. Check me out at http://zachvalenti.com.
Go to the profile of Lee Matos
Lee Matos
Writings at the intersection of Management/Technology/Leadership
Go to the profile of Jared Smith
Jared Smith
#Ruby on #Rails #Software Engineer at @ycombinator backed @onemonthedu. #growthhacker #javascript #elixirlang #phoenixframework