Go to Every Mother Counts
Every Mother Counts
EMC’s blog was retired in 2018. Stay updated at https://everymothercounts.org/on-the-front-lines/ where we share information, perspectives and stories that help make pregnancy and childbirth safe for every mother, everywhere.
Note from the editor

EMC’s blog was retired in 2018. Stay updated at https://everymothercounts.org/on-the-front-lines/ where we share information, perspectives and stories that help make pregnancy and childbirth safe for every mother, everywhere.

Go to the profile of Every Mother Counts
Every Mother Counts
EMC’s blog was retired in 2018. Stay updated at https://everymothercounts.org/on-the-front-lines/.
Go to the profile of Avital N. Nathman
Avital N. Nathman
Feminist, mama, & wife. Sometimes I write about all three. *The Good Mother Myth: Redefining Motherhood to Fit Reality* (Seal Press 2014) http://goodmothermyth.com
Go to the profile of Christy Turlington Burns
Christy Turlington Burns
Mom, Wife, Daughter, Yogi, Marathoner, Founder @everymomcounts, Author, Living Yoga: Creating A Life Practice, Model. I tweet about Global Maternal Health