There is no point in « seeking » anything at all !

MAB Magalie
Published in
5 min readJun 26, 2015

Why I chose to remove “seeking” from my habits

Almost two years ago, I wrote an article saying « There’s no point in seeking for comfort »

Back then, I was explaining that even having reached the most « confortable position ever » I was still unhappy, because, in order to reach that comfort, I had to compromised on other things I really wanted to do.

Could I have been able to do both at the same time?
I mean, keeping that job and starting to develop my personal interests on the side?
Of course it’s possible, but not at that time, as my job was a full-in, 24/7 kind of a job.

I had the tendency to choose those type of jobs, as if loosing yourself in your project was the only way to go… and most of my coworkers (clients or even bosses) were also in that perspective… « Like attracts like » they say…

I know now that this is not a healthy way to live and I guess I felt it and that’s one of the reason I quit..

I wanted to break free from that pattern. I think I finally did. It doesn’t mean that I have now all the keys to live a healthy and balanced life, but I’m getting there :)

Now, when I look at this affirmation, the first thing that comes to my mind is: « well, obviously, because the simple act of « seeking » brings no good »

If you are familiar with the law of attraction (not the romanced version of it you can find in the movie ‘The Secret’, just the metaphysical law), you know that your emotions and the way you feel about life will put you in a certain level of vibration (everything vibrates in this world, it’s physics). And those vibrations you’re broadcasting will attract to you events, people, situations, with matching levels of vibrations.

So what happen when you are « seeking » for something?

You are identifying things you don’t have and want to have.
But in what type of perspective is this observation putting you?

Do you feel empowered, knowing what you want and where you will go?

Or do you feel desperate, trying to get anything that slightly appears to be that thing you’re seeking for, and then being deceived again and again when you realize it’s not?

If you’re in the first perspective, all good! I won’t even call it seeking, to me it’s looks more like exploration, curiosity and eagerness, wrapped with a strong sense of trust, or at least hope and playfulness.

Because usually, when we’re « seeking », most of us are in the second approach, the desperate one: we seek because we need, not because we are willing to discover what life has in store for us.

And it works the same, whatever we’re seeking for: comfort, the life partner, the ideal financial situation, the great friends and coworkers, the meaning to our life, the next adventure to jump into etc…

The more we seek, the more we vibrate lack, despair and confusion, and the more we vibrate lack, despair and confusion, the more we get it. It can’t be more simple!

And you don’t need to believe in the law of attraction for understanding this, it’s common sense.

People can sense where you’re at. If being around the negative version of you feels good because it comforts people in their destructive behaviors, they’ll stick to you; while the ones who don’t want to play that negative game will simply avoid you...
It happens all the time, often for more subtile and complexe reasons and usually we’re not even doing it consciously.

Studies also show that our brain can’t focus at two things at the exact same time.
Try to picture superwoman and count 62–15 at the same time?
When you start counting superwoman is already gone. Back to superwoman, you can’t count anymore.

The more you focus your attention onto something, the less you have room available to enjoy the things that don’t match your focus, and the less you allow new perspectives to pop up in your mind.

Maybe it’s time to stop seeking (= thinking about lack) and start creating room for the unknown?

But how would you do that?

That’s a very hard question, and let me tell me that you won’t get out of this habit by analyzing the situation, you’ll just get more of what you have: thoughts.

In order to get out of your thinking patterns, the best way is to go physical, by simply start doing things.

Doing things will get you busy, and your mind will have no choice but get focused on that thing you’re doing. So you’ll be already one foot outside of the lack zone, on one step closer for the realization of “something”.

And that’s why we have to do the things we want to do. First, it will save you from the stress of not doing it, then it will help you to move on.

I’m not telling that doing the things we have in mind will always lead us to great achievements, but they will bring us to teachings. The kind of teachings gained through experiences that no one will ever be able to take out of you.

And the good thing about it, is that this self-created knowledge will empower you to move on the next step of your life.

I don’t remember in what exact perspective I was went I got that “most comfortable position”. I was definitely looking for a stable income and some kind of stability, a great project and team to work on with. I thought this would make me happy and more relaxed.
I actually knew from the beginning that some stuff were not right but as I was so much seeking for comfort, I happily jumped into that opportunity.

I know from other experiences that “seeking” habit alters your mind so much that you’re unable to observe the things as they are, and can’t differentiate anymore what really fits you, from what you really want it be fitting you. On paper it looked great, on the run it was tiring. I just forgot myself on the way.

“Seeking” outside for the prefect (and quick) solutions to our struggles is never the right way to do. I came today to that conclusion.

I indeed had a great learning experience, as I did what I wanted to do, this was the most positive aspect of that last “job”, but my life has not really been improved the way I hoped to. Because the answer to your longings will never be found with anything external to you.

Whatever you do, try to have the most curious approach to it. Whatever happen will benefit you if you look at it in a constructive way, but remember, don’t get caught in overthinking. Just do stuff and see where they lead you.

EDIT on October 1st of 2017: This article is obviously unfinished and its a pity. Read what happened and know the following here.

