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5 body signs to look for to have ultimate health (Pitta Dosha Edition)

Manish Kumar
Everyday Ayurveda
Published in
4 min readMay 20, 2023


This article will be helpful for individuals who have started their journey towards a healthier lifestyle. It is particularly useful for those who understand that our body gives signals when it is not in its best condition.

Through this article, I will discuss the body signs that helped me recognize that I am experiencing internal inflammation. I will also share some of the habits I changed to reduce inflammation and promote healing from within.

After reading this, you will gain a deeper understanding of your body’s signals and their relationship to your overall health. You will learn about five specific bodily indicators that should never be ignored, as they can be key indicators of underlying health issues. Additionally, you will receive actionable tips and insights on how to change your habits to address these issues and improve your overall health and wellness. Whether you are just beginning your journey to a healthier lifestyle or are already well on your way, this article is for you. By learning to recognize the signals that your body sends you, you can take proactive steps to address any health issues before they become serious problems.

Growing up in a simple middle-class family, where the only life goal was to earn money, I have come to understand the importance of relationships, mental health, financial freedom, and physical health. As someone with a pitta dosha, I have experienced various health issues. I tried different types of medicine, from allopathy to homeopathy to Ayurveda, without much improvement. Then, I realized that what you eat can affect every aspect of your health. By following this simple rule of healthy eating, I was able to cure many of my chronic diseases. The lessons listed here have been time-tested.

Chapped Lips

This issue took the longest to cure. I have been in boarding school since the age of 7, so my parents were not there to take care of such small issues in my body. When I visited home, my parents always pointed out this issue. They started treating it with traditional lip balms before moving on to more sophisticated and costly ones. However, these remedies only worked temporarily, and my lips remained in the same condition. It was only after I started following an Ayurvedic lifestyle that I learned that these issues occur because of internal heat in the body. The main causes of internal heat are spicy and fried foods, and packaged foods are also something you should definitely avoid.

Bad Gut

I used to have trouble clearing my bowels in the morning. This issue began to bother me more after college, when I started working. The constant feeling of needing to pass stool makes me irritable and less focused. I used to believe this was a genetic issue, since my father has the same problem. I also thought that because I had attended boarding school since childhood, my internal system had become weak and that medication was the only solution. However, I later realized that this problem could be cured by following a proper diet.

Sweaty hands

This issue began to trouble me during my secondary school years. It became so severe that, on some bad days, I would sweat profusely to the point where I couldn’t even wear slippers. The odor from my socks was so terrible that people would keep their distance whenever I removed my shoes. Due to excessive sweating in my hands, I hardly feel any confidence in greeting anyone with a handshake.I consulted homeopathic doctors to treat this issue, but ultimately it turned out that hot and spicy foods were the cause of my problems. Processed foods were another factor contributing to this issue.

Cracked heels

I used to suffer from severely cracked heels that would sometimes bleed. I tried external treatments such as cleaning my heels and applying medicated cream, which provided temporary relief. However, the problem always returned because the root cause was not addressed. After adopting the habit of eating clean, raw food, this issue began to fade away naturally.

White hairs

The latest addition to the list of signals indicating internal body heat is white hair. I believe that my lack of white hair is not because my body is not heated from the inside, but because other body parts, such as chapped lips and stomach, have already been affected by it. All in all, this is a clear indication of body heat, as I have observed this issue in all my friends who eat junk food and therefore do not have a healthy gut.

Although I have listed all the body signals related to body heat (pitta dosha), our bodies also give signals related to other kinds of issues. A new addition to my body's signals is frequent mouth ulcers, which also occur because of internal heat. The idea here is to help you understand that by paying attention to your body's signals, you can become aware of any chronic diseases early on and treat them at their root.

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Manish Kumar
Everyday Ayurveda

Sharing wisdom on how to become best version of yourself. Also sharing knowledge in the field of AI/ML. Reading, writing, meditating along the way!