Sonnet from my “Winning The War Within” a Kindle book

A Thanksgiving Gift — Axios Honored

Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes
Published in
2 min readNov 23, 2017


A decade ago I started Short Form Content to underline the need for short texts. Today that concept has become the basis for the most successful news startup on the Web — Axios. This article will share a helpful contact message from Mike Allen, a founder and author of its AM Newsletter, and a few other things that suggest that short form is where it’s at.

It’s triadic.

Signs (like this) morph into indexes (longer pieces to which short form points) and the whole thing becomes (hopefully) an expression or action that will make life a little better universally.

That is the tendency which Triadic Philosophy champions and seeks to articulate. It is what Charles Sanders Peirce called pragmaticism.

On item one, do not write unless you intend to subscribe. You will infer from this and a previous post that email is still the gold standard of online communication, at least as far as I am concerned.


  • AM comes from my real email ( — just hit “reply” and we’re connected. I try to answer every email promptly and personally. If I miss one, it was a lapse and I apologize — please hit me again.
  • “Only 3% of Democrats and 8% of Republicans believe that increasing number of people from different races, ethnic groups and nationalities in America makes the country a worse place to live.”
  • “The proportion of Republican supporters who see immigrants as a burden on the country has fallen from 64% in 1994 to 44% today.”
  • Another Pew report found that “86% of Republicans believe they are on the way to achieving the ‘American Dream’ or have achieved it, along with 80% of Democrats.”
  • Pew: “Only about one-in-five (17%) say the American dream is ‘out of reach’ for their family.”
  • According to Gallup, “the proportion of Americans who reported they were satisfied with the way their life was going reached 87%, up from 78% in 2011 and only one percentage point below the highest number reported since the poll question was first asked by Gallup in 1979.”



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!