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Slow As Molasses Press

Everything Comes
Everything Comes
LOVE POWER. Unifying Earth and Heaven
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Abba lives in every human being.

From ABBA’S WAY OMNIBUS — Kindle http://buff.ly/1KIoPFN KU KOLL Prime

Abba lives in every human being. Abba is the light that shines in all. Abba does not “make” things happen. You do. But Abba goes with you when you say yes. Abba is your daily…

Abba despises cruelty.

From ABBA’S WAY OMNIBUS — Kindle http://buff.ly/1KIoPFN KU KOLL Prime

Abba despises cruelty. Abba takes no sides. Abba cares for all. Abba has no interest in revenge. Abba binds up wounds when he finds willing hands. Abba points the way and helps you move. And…

Abba is the one Jesus prayed to.

From ABBA’S WAY OMNIBUS — Kindle http://buff.ly/1KIoPFN KU KOLL Prime

Abba is the one Jesus prayed to. His name means father, dad or friend. Abba is Aramaic, Jesus’ tongue. By any name, he is in everyone. “In everyone” means none are set aside…