Can You Deliver A Valentine’s Day Story In Ten Words?

Ten 10-word stories for heart day

Shereen Bingham
Everything Fun


A furry cat is tied to several heart-shaped balloons, suspended and floating in the blue sky.
Photo by Reba Spike on Unsplash

Nowadays, I think of micro-stories every time I hear the word holiday. I’ve written them just for the heck of it, as well as for Halloween, Christmas, and now Valentine’s Day. You may think that’s fanatical — and maybe it is. Would you laugh if I tried to dub myself the queen of holiday 10-worders? :) It’s tempting, but it may be wiser just to set forth a formal proclamation:

Holiday Time Is Micro-Story Time!

Was I always like this? No!

I ‘blame’ it on my awesome Medium friends — all the wonderful 10-word and 20-word story writers who taught me and have encouraged me to write these tiny tales, and who have written and shared their own. THANK YOU! Especially Sheri Jacobs, who gave us the first 10-word story challenge in Medium.

Before I unveil my little Valentine stories, I offer this brief poem to set the mood.

February has floated into our lives —
with little time to spare before Heart Day arrives.
So take out your thinking cap, brush off the lint
and get ready for micro-story entertainment!

What’s your favorite word limit — 10 words, or more?
What rings your chimes? What can’t you ignore?
Whatever your preference…



Shereen Bingham
Everything Fun

Communication Ph.D., venturing out from success as a scholarly writer to explore terrains of creative nonfiction, poetry, and fictional short stories.