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Other Awesome Work

Everything is Everything
Everything is Everything
Filmmaker, artist, and technologist in San Francisco with films screened in over 70 film festivals and developer of Search is Back, an advanced Facebook search engine. I’ll create a film for you — send an email to michael@everythingiseverything.com
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A tab system on Google Docs

UPDATE 2: Thanks to some requests, I’ve made a three-person and two-person version of the tab (the two-person is really easy to make.) For bonus points, does anyone want to make a five-person version?

Flying over Highway 1

Oh boy do I love stop motion plane videos. This one was taken as I flew from Los Angeles to San Francisco, but with my iPhone still camera. The guy next to me thought it was pretty funny as I kept repeatedly hitting the “picture” button for about ten minutes — the upside of this is a…

Mashup party invite

As a late housewarming, our apartment is having a party on August 1. I’ve introduced the rest of my housemates to the mashup craze after getting ever more obsessed myself, so we decided to make a mashup-themed party. This will be complete with mashup music, mashup video, mashup clothing, and…