A quick summary of Spicer’s Press Conference — Feb 8, 2017

Sasha Fox
Indivisible Movement
7 min readFeb 8, 2017

Disrespecting the Dead Edition

Since Donald and his minions do nothing but lie, it’s really not healthy to listen to them. I am willing to make that sacrifice though, and summarize/fact check their announcements for you.

- Donald claims credit for a factory opening in Arizona (No explanation is given as to what he might have had to do with it.)

- A long rant about how Donald is the best and some random complaint that the factory wasn’t opened earlier when President Obama was in office

- Whines about the fact that it costs money to comply with safety and environmental regulations

- Claims credit for economic performance under President Obama

- Asserts that the 9th Circuit Court needs to allow the Muslim Ban to remain in effect

- Donald gave a speech to the police

- 9 Democrats are willing to compromise on Gorsuch (Richard Blumenthal, Chris Coons, Joe Manchin, Dick Durbin, Heidi Heitkamp, Claire McCaskill, Jon Tester, Joe Donnelly and Jeanne Shaheen.)

- Whines about Democrats speaking against Sessions

Q: What’s Donald going to do about Sanctuary Cities?

Spicer: The Muslim Ban is important. Donald will cut their federal funding.

Q: Who is paying for PM Abe to visit Mar-a-Lago?

Spicer: I’ll get back to you on that

(This is an issue because either the Japanese Government will be paying money to Donald through Mar-A-Lago, or the US Government will be funnelling tax dollars to Donald.)

Q: Any plans to change Muslim Ban to protect green card holders?

Spicer: No plans to change it

Q: Why did Donald call 9th Circuit Court hearing disgraceful?

Spicer: Because Donald should be able to do whatever he wants! He thinks they’re all stupid if they can’t see that

Q: So, why is Donald using the @POTUS account to complain about Nordstrom?

Spicer: Because Donald loves his family!!! It’s so unfair!!!!!

Q: Will the Admin engage in immigration reform? What’s the long term plan for undocument Americans?

Spicer: Donald has been clear that he hates immigrants and immigration.

Q: Going back to the Nordstrom tweet, they said that it wasn’t a political decision, it was a business decision.

Spicer: I don’t care! Anyone who isn’t giving Donald’s family money is directly attacking his policy decisions!

(So yeah, apparently if you don’t do business with Donald and fam, you’re directly attacking him and his political goals.

Yes. Hearing that should worry you.)

Q: The tweet came 20 minutes after he went to the PBD. Was that during the PDB?

Spicer: No, after. He didn’t spend long there.

Q: Donald said that we will never be safe without the Muslim Ban. Does he really think we’re doomed?

Spicer: Uh…er…um….uh…. This is the text of the statute saying Donald can do whatever he wants!!!!! This is a slippery slope to a terrorist orgy of anarchy!

Q: Was Donald happy with the DoJ lawyer’s defense during the 9th Circuit Court hearing?

Spicer: Donald is really sure he’s right. He isn’t one for subtlety. That is literally his only thought.

Q: What are his thoughts on Russia sending tons of missiles to Syria?

Spicer: No comment

Q: Are the Muslim Brotherhood and Iran’s Revolutionary Guard going to be labeled terrorist groups?

Spicer: Donald really hates Muslims. No comment on future plans.

(https://www.hrw.org/news/2017/02/08/us-dont-target-muslim-brotherhood This is why it’s a bad idea)

Q: Donald is saying that he didn’t understand how dangerous terrorism is before and how Americans should be really afraid. Why is he doing that?

Spicer: Just understand that you’re under a constant threat, and you should let Donald do whatever he wants to protect you from that threat. If anyone says no to him, they are actively trying to kill you. The entire world is trying to kill you! All Donald can think about is how everyone wants to kill all of you! Sure there’s not a threat today, but who knows when it will come? Preemptive war is the only solution!

(Hearing this should also worry you.)

Q: What does Donald think of a Carbon Tax?

Spicer: Donald doesn’t talk about policies that are being debated

Q: What is Donald’s plan for the meeting with the Airline CEO’s tomorrow?

Spicer: I’m not telling you. Mostly Donald just wants to get personally involved in every company in the country

Q: Did he have a meeting on a Carbon Tax?

Spicer: I said I’m not talking about that! Next!

Q: What’s Donald going to do about bringing back coal mining jobs?

Spicer: They’re talking about a 3% increase in coal production! We’re getting rid of all the environmental regulations we can

Q: What assurences can Donald give people who are worried about the environment?

Spicer: Clean coal! There’s no environmental risk! Coal is the cleanest power source we have!

(This is a lie.

“It’s the dirtiest of fossil fuels … Coal provides 40 percent of the world’s electricity. It produces 39 percent of global CO₂ emissions. It kills thousands a year in mines, many more with polluted air.”)

Q: Yemen won’t let Donald run special ops in their country after his last failure. What’s Donald doing about that?

Spicer: That attack was a complete success! If you disagree you’re disrespecting the SEAL who died! If you say anything negative about what Donald did you should have to apologize to the dead SEAL’s family!

Q: But in regar…


Q: What’s Donald doing on border security?

Spicer: Wall. Muslim Ban. Some other stuff coming up.

Q: Is defunding his only plan for sanctuary cities?


(Undocumented Americans commit less crimes, contribute billions to the economy, and pay taxes)

Q: What’s Donald going to do about NAFTA when it comes to Canada? Is Palin going to be the ambassador to Ottawa?

Spicer: No comments. I’ll get back to you. Donald will figure something out with Canada at some point.

(The idea of Sarah Palin as an ambassador to anywhere is an awful thought. Canada doesn’t sound excited.)

Q: What’s Donald going to do about the countries in NATO that aren’t paying 2% of their GDP towards the military?

Spicer: Donald talked about it with NATO leaders. Everyone agrees with him.

Q: You never said what Donald’s reaction was to Yemen refusing to allow future US ground missions?

Spicer: We all hate ISIS

Q: Mayor Walsh talked on the Daily Show about protecting undocumented Americans from Donald. What’s Donald going to do?

Spicer: Donald thinks immigrants cost jobs and money. Donald’s going to stop sending federal money to sanctuary cities

(Again, Donald is wrong)

Q: Is Donald going to personally design the wall?

Spicer: He’ll be involved. He has enormous attention to detail.

(No he doesn’t)

Q: Any comment on Warren being silenced in the Senate?

Spicer: No comment

Q: Again, I want an answer on Yemen. Yemen doesn’t want the US to do any more ground ops. What’s he doing?

Spicer: We’re talking with them. Stop asking!

Q: Donald said “certain areas” are increasing immigration to the US. What areas does he mean?

Spicer: I’ll get back to you on that

(Trump claims more entering US amid wait for ‘EASY D’)

Q: Was the CIA director dispatched to Turkey?

Spicer: I just saw him an hour ago

Q: Most lone wolf attacks come from American born citizens, what’s Donald going to do about that?

Spicer: 20 people from those 7 countries have been charged with terrorism! We don’t know when the next terrorist attack is coming!!!

(People have been charged with terrorism related offences, but nobody has ever been killed in an attack from those countries)

Ok, But what about Americans being radicalized at home?

Spicer: Donald wants to destroy ISIS

Q: So something’s being done but you won’t say?

Spicer: No, we’re going after all Muslims. The Muslim Ban was a start. Donald’s trying to think about domestic terrorism.

Q: There’s a bill on Congress that would require an agreement to reduce any sanctions on Russia. Any response?

Spicer: Crimea sanctions will stay until Russia leaves Crimea. Otherwise, no comment.

Q: Donald was talking about having zero tolerance on attacks on law enforcement, what’s he mean there?

Spicer: Donald loves cops. Chicago’s murder rate is up 50% Donald is disgusted! PEOPLE ARE KILLING EACH OTHER ON THE STREETS!

(It’s more like a 24% increase. Donald is just over-exaggerating the problem to justify taking away freedoms)

Q: Drudge said that the GOP should be sued for fraud because the ACA is still there and there haven’t been tax cuts for the rich yet

Spicer: We’re getting to it. It’s complicated!

Q: What’s Donald going to do when cops do bad things?

Spicer: We’ll deal with it. They probably need more money and weapons so the cops won’t be so scared.

Q: What’s your reaction to what Coretta Scott King said about Sessions?

Spicer: We respect her, but she’s wrong. Sessions is great. I’m sure if she was alive today she would love Sessions

(That’s just gross. Here’s her letter)

Q: What’s Donald going to do about the lack of diversity in his cabinet. And there’s rumours of an HCBU EO?

Spicer: We’ll get back to you on that.

Q: There’s been a lawsuit brought against the deregulation EO. Any comment?

Spicer: Everyone should just agree with Donald! Stop questioning us! We want blind trust and compliance! I’m leaving!

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Sasha Fox
Indivisible Movement

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