How To Get Your Ex Back? How To Get Your Ex-Boyfriend Back Under Any Circumstances?

Shana Jahsinta Walters
Ex Back Queen
Published in
21 min readNov 20, 2022

Ladies, this is by far the best way of getting your ex-boyfriend back. It doesn’t matter how you lost him. All that matters now is that you will manifest your ex back into your life.

Photo by Leonardo Miranda on Unsplash

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How To Get Your Ex Back Introduction.

There are certain steps you have to take in order to win the love of your ex-boyfriend back.

Please keep in mind too that this is not an overnight process. I am not guaranteeing anyone reading this an overnight success. You can’t just do these steps one single time and then expect your ex-boyfriend to just magically fall from the sky right into your lap just like that.

He is a human being with his own feelings, ambitions and free will.

How To Get Your Ex Back And How Does Free Will Play Into All Of This?

As much as there are law of attraction gurus out here preaching about there is no such thing as free will, they are all lying to you. They can preach this lie to the desperate people who want to manifest a specific person, usually an ex back, so they can take these miserable people for a ride and drain their wallets too while they are at.

They are counting on these people to be so lonely and empty without their exes around, that way, they know they can feed them any kind of bullshit that hardly makes sense. And they never have any success to talk of, of their own. Amazing isn’t it?

I have successfully manifested every single ex-boyfriend that I have ever wanted to manifest back. While I do have five ex-boyfriends, I have only used these techniques on four of them.

Why not the fifth one you must want to know?

Well he is a married man. I just don’t mess with married men under no circumstances.

Then there is also the fact that I much prefer to manifest a new love into my life over an old flame. So there is that too.

You don’t have to go against anyone’s free will in order to manifest them into your life. If that is the kind of advice you prefer, this information I am about to share with you will do you no good. Go somewhere else for that kind of crazy advice.

None of us are puppets. Remember that.

Cause if you truly believe that you can control others actions and words and make them do whatever the hell you want them to do, then other people have that same power over you as well. It is not a one way street.

The law of attraction can’t be used to get what you want but the true isn’t the same for others. That’s insane. What applies to one applies to all of us.

Are you really going to let someone else be the puppet master over your life while you remain their puppet? Answer that question for me please.

If you know you are the master of your own fate, then the same is true for everyone else on the planet.

This rule does not apply to you only because you want to use it to manifest your ex back. But then you see your ex-boyfriend as a puppet you can manipulate at any time that you please.

If the law applies to you, then it certainly applies to everyone else too.

Now if you are ready to put in the actual real work that can possibly lead you to getting your ex back using the law of attraction, then let’s go forward.

How To Get Your Ex Back And What If Another Woman Is Using The Law Of Attraction To Get Your Ex Back Too At The Same Time You Are?

This is quite the tricky situation to end up with. Sadly it can really happen.

If your ex-boyfriend is an amazing man, chances are other women, especially his ex-girlfriends knows and sees this as well too. It stands to reason that one of them will give you competition at winning his heart back.

While I will never tell you to go fight the other woman, I will also advise you not to be scared of the competition either. That fear will be exactly what you manifest instead. Then you will have to stand aside and watch your ex-boyfriend ride off on a white horse into the sunset with one of his old flames.

And you don’t want that to happen do you?

This is certainly not an easy question to answer since there are so many variables to consider. It is not as simple as 1 + 1 equals 2. I’m not going to pretend that I know the answer for sure on this one. Many variables are involved in this dynamic as it is without a third party adding to it.

What you are about to read now is an account of two women who wanted to get the same ex-boyfriend back at the same time.

Both women were using the law of attraction on him. Both women were determined not to let him go. Both women knew of each other and the fact that they both were using the law of attraction on the same man.

The man who stuck going back and forth between them. However of those women became an actress and decided to cut all ties with the man.

Good for her, I’m sure she manifested a better man into life. I personally would be turned off by a man who can’t or won’t make a final decision about whether he wants to be with me or another woman. I dislike indecisiveness.

This is why I told you before free will DOES exist.

This man could not make up his freaky mind and in the end was enjoying a relationship with both of these women.

If I ever found myself in a scenario like that, I would leave well alone. Well that’s just my personality. Not every battle of love needs to be won.

The decision is in your hands whether you want to continue this love battle or walk away from it before you end up with a deep scar.

How To Get Your Ex Back And What To Do About The Third Party?

Your ex is not your property. He is free to move on with his life and so are you.

I once coached a woman who was great at manifesting the third parties away because there were several of them. She would use all kind of techniques she found in books and in YouTube videos.

Yet still, she could not figure out how to use the law of attraction to get her ex-boyfriend back. How crazy is that?

I say keep your focus on yourself, not on the ex and certainly not on the other woman or women he is dating.

Put the third party on ignore. The longer you keep your focus on her, the longer she will stay around. And that right there is what you don’t want.

How To Get Your Ex Back By Letting Go Of The Old Relationship?

Never, ever get back with your ex by picking up right where you left off. That’s a very bad idea.

If that old relationship had worked out well, then there was no need for a breakup. Since a breakup did happen, what you both need the next time around is a brand new, fresh start.

This is why I advise women to take some time alone for themselves and think long and hard about whether getting their ex-boyfriends back is really the best thing for them to do.

You must make this decision from a place of power, not weakness. When your heart is feeling weak and vulnerable, you are not in the best place energetically to make relationship decisions.

Right now I know you want your ex-boyfriend back more than anything else in the world, but is that really for the best? Not just for you, but for him too.

I get it, no one wants to be alone. But being alone is not half as bad as society wants to make you believe it is.

During your single time, this is where you have to remain calm and compose. Don’t make a decision as big as this based on a knee jerk reaction. Some people mistakenly believe that the best way to deal with their heartbreak is to get back together with their ex as fast as possible. Then hope that will make the pain disappear.

Sorry to tell you this, but getting back with your ex is only masking the pain you feel temporarily. It will still be there for you to deal it and it will fester and grow out of control the more you ignore it.

This is why when you are single, this is the best time to heal your wounds and get over the pain of your breakup.

Sometimes people never see that a breakup is just on the horizon. They become shocked and bewildered when it does happen. Then they spiral into this negative void that can be filled with emotions and thoughts of anger, resentment, revenge, loneliness, hurt, pain, abandonment, etc.

Some women only want to get their ex-boyfriends back just so they can exact revenge on him. They want to make the poor sap fall back madly in love and then break up with him in hopes of inflicting the pain that he first caused them to feel.

If your mind and heart is filled with revenge, then this article piece will not help you with that. I suggest therapy and mediation to help you work through your negative emotions.

You must wipe the slate clean now and begin anew.

You also have to sit your ex down, who is now back in contact with you again, and let him know that you can’t accept the previous relationship if you get back together. It is best that this conversation comes first before you jump back aboard with him.

You might end up discovering that you both are not even on the same page about the type of relationship you both want with each other. It is good to know this now before you re-commit to him. It might just dawn upon you that getting back together is the worse step you can both make.

Coming to this realization early is a great thing. It will save you from another broken heart.

After you discover that your ex-boyfriend is just not right for you, it will make it far easier for you to move on without him back in your life. You can at least pat yourself on the back knowing that you did try and you won’t have any lingering thoughts of what ifs in your head.

How To Get Your Ex Back With No Contact?

For the women reading this who just want to skip the no contact step, I suggest you click off this article right here and now. Like I stated before, alone time is what you need to sort your head and heart out first. Then you can make the best decision from that vibrational level whether getting your ex back is the best thing for you to do.

You can’t get back together with your ex-boyfriend and then pray to God to make it work out this time around. I mean, yes you can do that. But do you truly believe that it will work when you are living in fear that another breakup will be on the horizon? As long as you fear losing your ex-boyfriend, that is exactly where you will end up again, with another broken heart.

What do most people get wrong about the no contact practice?

They think it is a 30 day ride and once it is over, it is cool for them to reach out to their exes. Then have a rude awakening when the ex either blocks them, responds to them rudely or just completely ignores them. Then they declare no contact doesn’t work.

No contact is not going to work on a time that you allocate.

You are dealing with a human being that has his own emotions and shit to deal with that has nothing to do with you. Just because for the past 30 days you have been waiting on pins and needles to talk to him, doesn’t mean it is the same on his end.

Consider this first before you break no contact. Most times it’s not worth it do so.

My advice is to NEVER break no contact under any circumstances. Let your ex come back to you, you don’t go chasing behind him.

I have written another article on no contact just in case you need more clarification.

How To Get Your Ex Back By Healing From The Breakup First?

This right here is another step that women want to gloss over.

They think that if they just ignore the pain, hurt and sadness that they feel inside and get back with their ex-boyfriends that it will go away eventually on its own. Well I am here to tell you that it won’t.

Ladies please put in the work. Not just to get your ex back, but to get yourself back to. That needs to be your number one priority.

Healing your heart is the best thing you can do, not to win your ex back but to feel whole and complete within yourself. Once you feel amazing again, then your confidence level will go all the way back up. Even higher that it was before.

You will become that woman who can not only manifest her ex back into her life, but you will feel like that woman who can get any man her heart desires.

There are so many different ways you can heal your broken heart, but I will share with you what always works for me.

The first thing I do is make the decision that I am going to heal myself. Then the next thing I do is get busy with my life.

Yes this is all that I do. And it works like a charm every single time.

How To Get Your Ex Back By Raising The Level Of Your Worthiness?

Right now even though you want to win your ex back, you probably feel like shit. You feel unworthy of his love. And the longer you feel this way, the longer it will take for you to get your ex back.

How do you go about raising the level of your worthiness?

If you have been reading and taking notes of everything I have said so far, then you know that you need to heal your broken heart and go into no contact.

Following below are going to be ways in which you can get busy with your life. The more you enjoy the life that you have the more you will feel worth of any man’s love, not just that of your ex-boyfriend.

How To Get Your Ex Back By Posting Positive Relationship Goals On Social Media?

You probably didn’t even know that you could leverage social media to help you get your ex back.

If you have already posted some negative shit about your ex-boyfriend and your breakup on social media, now is the time to delete it. Do that right now before you read on any further then this.

And never do that shit again either. Whether with this ex or any others that might come after him. Later you might just decide that you want to get back with that person and will come to regret all the nasty things you posted online about him out of angry.

Now comes the fun part.

Think on all the things you have done with your ex-boyfriend that made you happy. Also think about all the fun things you wanted to do with him but never got around to doing.

Make a list of these things so you don’t forget what they are.

Let me give you an example.

You have always wanted to take a horse-driven carriage ride on Valentine’s Day. Go to Google and find an image that represents this. Post the image with a short text stating that your new boyfriend and you will be doing this.

People will be curious if you are in a relationship or not. Don’t lie of course and say that you are. But you don’t have to come right out and say that you are single. Hell you don’t need to answer at all if you don’t want to.

Make posts like this stating all the wonder things you want to experience with your new boyfriend.

Reframe from using your ex-boyfriend’s name and do not use pictures you have of him either.

Don’t make this complicated. This is very easy to do.

How To Get Your Ex Back By Making Yourself Feel Better Everyday?

Start doing more of the things you love. For this section right here, get pen and paper. Or use a laptop, smart phone or whatever device you prefer.

This is how you are going to keep yourself busy and distracted from your broken heart so it can heal.

This part is not something that you need to rush through unless of course you have a million and one things that you would love to do but have been putting them off since forever.

Well now that you are single, you are going to get down with these doing things. No more excuses, no more procrastination and no more waiting for everything to be perfect first. Or for the time to be right. The right time is right now.

Just write everything don that you would love to do. It is best to pick activities that you most likely will have to do solo.

Some of these things could be;

1. Learning to ride a bike.
2. Learning to drive a car.
3. Taking cooking lessons to improve your skills.
4. Visit a country you are dying to see.
5. Learn a new language.
6. Make new friends.
7. Mend an old relationship that needs fixing.
8. Improve your handwriting.
9. Write a book.
10. Teach an online class to bring in extra income.

How To Get Your Ex Back Going Out On Dates With Other Men?

You do not own your ex-boyfriend. He is free to date anyone he wants too now. The same is true in your case as well.

It is imperative that you allow your ex-boyfriend the chance to pursue and chase you. You can’t just allow this man to walk back into your life with no consequences to face and not putting in a single effort to earn you love again. I know you are still madly in love with him, but that does not absorb him of putting in the work.

Men value what they have to work for. This is just the way mother nature wired them to be. This is why they tend to be way more competitive than women are.

Men value what other men value too. This is why some men have no qualms whatsoever about stealing another man’s wife or girlfriend. Sadly men love the chase more than they love the catch, which causes them to move on very easily from one relationship to another.

You definitely don’t want to make it easy for your ex to get back together with you only to end up being ghosted out of the blue.

This is why a woman can be single for years without a single prospect in sight. But once she gets into a new relationship, men who knew her before suddenly want her because they see that another man does.

Her value in their eyes is much higher now than it has ever been. Then they get curious about what exactly does this woman have to offer that makes her new guy so smitten over her.

Never be afraid to go out on dates for fear that your ex-boyfriend will no longer love and want you. This will not diminish your worthiness in his eyes. Just the total opposite.

If he is that afraid of a little competition, then realize he is the kind of man who will never fight for you. It’s best to let him walk away.

Save yourself the headache by making this man work long and hard to get your love back. I know it hurts you to let him go through a little trial, but it is best for you both that he does this. It will certainly help to clear up any doubts you have about getting back together with your ex-boyfriend.

This will also set the tone for the new relationship you both will enjoy when you are back in your ex-boyfriend’s arms where you really want to be.

You are not doing this to hurt him.

You are doing this so he comes to realize just how important you are to him. You are doing this so he comes to realize that you are not just a woman he can walk away from anytime he wants to and there will be a warm place waiting for him anytime he wants to return to you. You are doing this so he comes to realizes that wasting your time is not an option.

Either he comes correct or leave you the hell alone for the right man to come along who will do ten times more work than he is willingly to do.

How To Get Your Ex Back By Tackling A Goal You Have Had On Hold For A Long Time?

What do I mean by this?

You might want to lose those extra 50 ponds that you gained during quarantine. Now is the perfect time to work on that goal now that you no longer have a relationship to help distract you.

Maybe you have been writing a book for the past 10 years or so. Or the book is already written but you have yet to take the proper steps it will take to publish your book. Now is the time to let the world see that have what it takes to make words come alive on the page.

Being in quarantine has made you realized that you haven’t seen much of the world yet. And you have a few travel destinations that you need to get crossed off on your bucket list. Now is the right time to get some new stamps in your passport.

This also ties in with the previous section named How To Get Your Ex Back By Making Yourself Feel Better Everyday. You can write down that you want to do this and you want to do that, but what are the steps you are going to take to get from point A to point B.

This is where creating a plan will help you. And the plan doesn’t need to be nothing complicated at all. Just something real simple. The more simple your plan is, the more likely chance you are going to put your plan into action.

Let’s tackle the goal of making new friends. Even as an adult, you can still make friends.

1. You have to get out of the house more often.
2. Visit places that interest you the most as these places are most likely where you are going to want to hang out with your new friends anyway.
3. When you feel drawn to someone, muster up the courage and go and strike out a conversation with this person. Don’t be afraid to talk to people first even though you are an introvert.
4. Tell this person about your hobbies and how you like to spend your spare time and in turn ask them what they like to do for fun.
5. Invite this person out to a place that they mentioned that they like. If they are agree, then they will have to exchange their contact information with you.
6. In conversations, it is always better to listen and not be so quick to jump in and talk about yourself. Especially
7. Don’t offer any kind of advice unless the person specifically asks for it.
8. Don’t tell this person what to do. It is his or her life. You either accept them as they are or move on to find another friend.
9. Make certain you give as much as you get. Don’t wait for others to call first. You can pick up the phone and call too. You can offer this person help or assistance without waiting for them to ask for it first.
10. If things fizzle out between you and this new friend, then take it on the chin and try again.

How to Get Your Ex Back Through The Power Of Love?

1. Do you truly love your ex-boyfriend? Or are you simply afraid of being alone?

2. Do you really want a solid future with this man? Or you just don’t want another woman to have him?

3. Do you care about his happiness? Or are you only thinking about yourself and your own selfish needs?

4. Do you truly want your ex-boyfriend to be happy? Or are you just determined to get him back so you don’t look like a woman who can’t keep a man?

5. Do you really believe that you and your ex-boyfriend can make things work this time around? Or you just don’t want to be the only single woman among your girlfriends?

Yes these are some deadass serious questions for you to think long and hard on. You really need to examine yourself properly and find out if you truly love your ex-boyfriend half as much as you think you do.

If you really don’t love him, now is the time to let him go with love and move in another direction with your life.

If you have come to realized that you really love him and you will do just about anything to be with him again, then here is a simple exercise you can do to express your love for him.

There is no need to break no contact in order to do this. This practice is especially good for the people who are desperate to express their love to their ex-boyfriend. You are going to need a little imagination to pull this one off.

I suggest you do this with your eyes closed. And this can be done in a minute or two. Much longer than this is unnecessary.

Imagine your ex-boyfriend is sitting right next to you or you are sitting on his lap. Lean over and whisper in his ear how much you love him. Tell him a few of the things you love about him. Look at his face again and see him smiling right at you. You can even hear him reply back to you that he is in love with you and is happy to be back in your arms again. You can end your imagination by kissing him on the cheek or lips. It’s up to you.

And that’s it. Simple and easy. You can do this practice once a day or once a week. There is no need to overkill this. Just once in a while is enough.

How to Get Your Ex Back By Scripting A Beautiful Future With Him In The Picture?

The law of attraction ain’t complicated at all. As human being we have a tendency to overcomplicate the simplest of things. This is why I am giving you very simple and easy steps you can use to win the heart of your ex back. You won’t get anything complicated from this article.

I love simple and so should you.

You might be asking what the hell is scripting if you have never heard of it before and how is scripting going to help you to get your ex back.

Well scripting is just the very easy law of attraction technique where you write down something positive that you wish to manifest into your life.

Your script can be as short as one sentence or as long as a full length novel. Most people don’t write a full length novel to manifest love into their lives.

As much as I am a writer myself and I will write all day and all night long if you let me, I wouldn’t take the full length novel route either. LOL!!!

A paragraph, a half a page or a full page is more than enough to help you manifest your ex back. It just all depends on you and how long you want your script to be.

As stated before one sentence is enough for the task. Scripting is not complicated, I promise you this.

Some people start their scripts by writing, “I am so happy and grateful for …”

I don’t start my scripts that way. Writing like this feels unnatural to me. None of my scripts start off the same way either. I want from my intuition.

Essentially you are going to write your script as if what you want to manifest has already manifested or is manifesting right now. Since this article is about how to get an ex back, then I will shoe you an example of how you can write your script. Don’t copy the one I write, create one that fits your situation.

Example of a script I would write to manifest my ex back.

“It is fucking awesome to have Keanu back in my life. He is literally the best man for me. He told me that I am amazing and he was a fool for ever letting me go in the first place. He now knows that there is no other woman out there who will love him more than I do.

“He not only wants to be my boyfriend, but he is ready to put a ring on it. In fact we are heading off to the jewelry store tomorrow so I can choose the ring I want. He is not going to spare any expenses. He said no matter the price, he is going to buy my dream engagement ring. Very soon I am going to Mrs. Smith. This makes me extremely happy.”

Now go forth and write your own ex back script.

How to Get Your Ex Back Final Thoughts.

So there you have it ladies, this is how you can get you ex back using the law of attraction and some common sense. It is up to you to put in the work, but also to do the right work to win your ex back. This will save you so much time going to in the wrong direction that will lead you nowhere.


1. How To Get Your Ex Back Really Fast.

2. Sometimes it is tough to manifest your desires when you have no one to back you up in your corner. I am here to offer my one-on-one coaching e-mail service just in case you are in need of it.

For US$699.00 monthly I will be your coach and cheerleader. Or you can get a discount by paying for three months’ worth of coaching in advance at a cost of US$1, 500.00

All payments have to be made via Western Union or MoneyGram. Sorry, no other form of payments can be accepted.

You can contact me via my e-mail address {shanawalters1(@)} only if you are seriously ready to hire me as your coach.

Have a lovely day.



Shana Jahsinta Walters
Ex Back Queen

My book - — How Can Use The Law Of Attraction To Manifest A Specific Person