One Way to Make Christians Instantly Toss out Salvation by Faith

Sheng-Ta Tsai
Published in
6 min readSep 18, 2022


The interior of a church with wooden ceiling, pews, and windows on both sides of the wall.
Photo by Debby Hudson on Unsplash

You may think that Christians are serious about this fundamental aspect of their faith, but you can actually ask them one certain question, and they will most likely throw out this doctrine eagerly to answer your question.

(Non-members can read this article for free here)

The majority of Christian churches teach that all people sin and are destined to go to hell. There is only one way out of this tragic fate: believing in Jesus. If you believe in Jesus, all your sins will be forgiven, and you can enter heaven after you die, enjoying eternal life forever. The idea is not that you have a higher chance of going to heaven, but that you will surely go to heaven; 100%, they say. As long as you hold on to your faith, your salvation is certain. This is the main sales pitch churches use to get new converts. After all, if you can be saved without believing in Jesus, or if you still can’t be sure you will be saved after conversion, the idea of becoming a Christian becomes far less appealing.

Not only that, but churches also use the doctrine of salvation by faith alone to get Christians to go out and spread the gospel. It’s almost like emotional blackmail, meant to make believers feel bad if they don’t do all they can to witness for Jesus, to win souls into heaven. “Do you really want to see your…



Sheng-Ta Tsai

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