Welcome to ExCommunications!

Recovering from Religion
Published in
1 min readAug 2, 2020

This publication serves as the official blog of Recovering from Religion.

Recovering from Religion is a nonprofit organization that provides a landing place for those who are doubting religion or suffering from religious trauma.

We feature 24/7 chat and phone hotlines, a secular therapist database, a huge pile of resources, and ongoing seminars with leaders in the community.

ExCommunications serves as an extension of this mission by allowing doubters and ex-believers to share their own experiences or read about others’.

Writing about a personal journey can help bring a sense of peace and resolution, and it reassures those who have been down a similar road that they are not alone.

If you’ve got a story you’d like to share, head over to our submission guidelines page — we look forward to hearing from you! Otherwise, happy reading!




Recovering from Religion

Has religion negatively affected your life? Find resources, live chat and phone support, Support Groups, and more at recoveringfromreligion.org.