Happening Now: Eximchain June Update

Published in
4 min readJul 2, 2018

Hello Eximchain supporters,

In the past one month, we have been working very hard on tech development including Mainnet Development, Quadratic Voting and YOOsourcing Dapp. We have also onboarded a few new hires and kicked off Eximchain Global Hackathon Tour 2018!

Technical development

Mainnet Development

We’re currently going through security audit on mainnet development and setting up security monitoring with Threat Stack with the goal to finalize codes by July. We are also integrating with Enterprise versions of Terraform and Vault in preparation for mainnet launch.

Additionally, we’re happy to see hundreds of downloads on the CLI tools (command line interface) we created. We’re glad that our development efforts bridging traditional system with blockchain becoming helpful to the developer community:

https://www.npmjs.com/package/abi2oas https://www.npmjs.com/package/abi2lib https://www.npmjs.com/package/abi2api

Quadratic Voting

We were recently featured on Forbes on why Quadratic Voting could be a new effective way to govern enterprise blockchain and how Eximchain implements the mechanism. We have been continually making progress on UI and visual design. In the meantime, please remember to participate our community bounty on Quadratic Voting Illustration! The result will be announced in late July along with an on-line AMA.

YOOsourcing Dapp

We have also made significant progress on our first POC with YOOSourcing. The app’s functionality is in place and the relevant smart contracts have been written and tested with the app. We have been working out the deployment details and writing thorough instructions for YOOSourcing to reference later how to use and deploy all the different components of the POC together. We also arranged meeting with YOOsourcing team as the functional Dapp is ready to hand off.


Hackathon Tour First Stop- Seoul

We kicked out the first stop of Eximchain 2018 Global Hackathon Tour in Seoul. It was our great pleasure engaging with the developer community and discussing ideas involving the blockchain technology for the Eximchain challenge! You can find the full story here.

Hackathon Tour Second Stop- Singapore

We truly appreciate our global Hackathon participants in Singapore. We’ve enjoyed mingling with a large group of 150 hackers! We are pleased to announce an Eximchain Challenge winner, ReliefChain. Congratulations for winning the challenge! You can find the full story here.

PNP Supply Chain & Logistics China Focus Week

It was a great honor to be invited by Plug And Play and present at the Supply Chain & Logistics China Focus Week 2018 in Shanghai! As one of the few blockchain companies participating the event, we had great conversations with the Global Anchor Partners to discuss blockchain use cases and potential partnerships.


New Hires

Chee Wee Chua — QA Director

Chee Wee is a techie, and dedicates his life to helping software work better with people and vice versa. He previously worked as the lead support engineer at LogRhythm, Aspera and ArcSight where he started the support centres for the APAC region. He holds a BSc in Computing and Information Systems from the University of London, and has an advanced diploma in counselling psychology.…..(read more)

John O’Sullivan— Lead Integration Developer

John previously founded a seed-funded SaaS startup where he integrated competing collaboration standards through a real-time web application, and he continues to be involved in the local startup community.He earned a Masters of Engineering in Computer Science from MIT and helped teach their web-focused Software Studio course.…..(read more)


Eximchain is growing! Do you want to be part of the team that designs and delivers the world’s best blockchain for supply chain? Check out the open positions and apply through below links!

Mobile Developer

User Interface Design

Design System Engineer

What’s happening next?

We’re counting down to mainnet launch by Q3 through clearing launch blockers and going through security audit. We plan to release the Quadratic Voting UI/visual design in the next one month or two. We have handed over a significant part of those instructions for YOOsourcing to get started on already and will soon hand over the rest of the instructions. We’re still on the road for Eximchain Global Hackathon Tour and our CEO Hope Liu will attend TechCrunch Sessions: Blockchain 2018 in July. Please stay tuned for another exciting month and remember to participate the Quadratic Voting Illustration Competition!

Thanks again for being a great community!

-Eximchain Team

About Eximchain

Eximchain enables businesses to connect, transact, and share information more efficiently and securely through our blockchain utility infrastructure. Using Eximchain blockchain technology, enterprises can eliminate traditional supply chain barriers and integrates actors big and small into an efficient, transparent, and secure global network.

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Eximchain enables supply chain companies to connect, transact, and share information more efficiently using blockchain technology. Learn more: www.eximchain.com