Happening Now: Eximchain New Year Update

Published in
3 min readJan 7, 2019

Since 2015, Eximchain has built value by channeling time, effort and energy on producing a truly secure, decentralized blockchain infrastructure before setting sail for long-term horizons. Year by year, we have moved forward. We see tremendous opportunity where others see problems.

Supply chain is the heart of a company’s operations. Managers need access to real-time end-to-end visibility about their supply chain, but the limitations of legacy technologies thwart the goal of end-to-end transparency. Those days may soon be behind us. We are working with many around to drive new models in technology and develop applications over the next millennium to uplift the global supply chain. Technology has gotten smarter, and it will open doors to possibilities that humanity have ever predicted. In the path ahead, we have a very long-term vision for the future ahead. Few years from now, small and big enterprises will manage their supply chain in a new fashion through Eximchain.

If one is diligent every moment all day long, like the hands of a clock that move without pause, what is there that will not be achieved?

Token Freeze

We have completed the token verification process and all EXC tokens in ERC-20 format has been frozen now. In the upcoming week, we will release more details on the token swap.

Tech Development

Currently, we are exploring possible ways to calculate sensitive information such as credit scores in a privacy preserving, decentralized manner. Even at the proof of concept stage this requires a few ingredients: the ability to store large amounts of sensitive data, train a model off of the data, and classify new data using the resulting model. Find out through our article on Dev Diaries.

Bibox Exchange

We want to extend our gratitude to our supporters who supported us during Bibox Vote-for-listing program. Having ranked top 2, Eximchain Native Tokens will be listed on Bibox. We’re currently working with Bibox team on the timeline and will share more information as we move forward.


Eximchain helps small and big businesses to succeed by equipping their supply chain with novel technologies and practical applications. While we continue to have a wonderful group of people around, we will be launching recruitment for a board consisting of supply chain experts later in 2019. Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much. Technology’s rapid advance presents a myriad of new questions for the future. Our goal is to connect associations, businesses, trade unions and industry domain experts in harmony and create solutions to problems. We are opening up the thrill and wonders of technology of our age, reaching out to the widest audience possible to revolutionize the future together. All of us look forward to engage feedback and collaborate.

What is next for you?

We will swap Eximchain ERC-20 Tokens to Eximcoins (Eximchain Native Tokens) in the next few weeks. If you have whitelisted your wallet you should be all set for the swap, anyone left caught out please submit a ticket to support@eximchain.com including your address holding EXC, email, and nationality.

So much is going to happen and we can’t wait to share with you as we go along. There is no one more important to us than our supporters of limited means who trusted us with a substantial portion of his or her savings. We wish all our readers a happy year ahead, and may the wind be always at your back.

Ask us questions on Telegram or email us at hello@eximchain.com, our doors are always open for serious discussions.

Till next time,

-Eximchain Team

About Eximchain

Eximchain enables businesses to connect, transact, and share information more efficiently and securely through our blockchain utility infrastructure. Using Eximchain blockchain technology, enterprises can eliminate traditional supply chain barriers and integrates actors big and small into an efficient, transparent, and secure global network.

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Eximchain enables supply chain companies to connect, transact, and share information more efficiently using blockchain technology. Learn more: www.eximchain.com