How to participate in Eximchain Governance (3/3)- Token redistribution

Published in
4 min readJul 20, 2019

Hello Eximchain Community, in preparation for the upcoming governance cycle, today we would like to walk you through the process of Token redistribution. Please make sure that you have gone through the previous articles on Get ready to vote and Cast your vote to understand the steps to be taken before submitting token redistribution claim and collection.

1) Submit Token Redistribution Claim:

  1. Open the Eximchain Wallet and navigate to the Governance Tab.

2. Click on “Claim Tokens”.

3. Sign in a wallet using the seed phrase accessible through the Eximchain mobile app. And select and address with EXC.

4. Input the EXC address you are claiming tokens for. You can quickly copy your address from the top right of the wallet.

5. Select a ballot to claim from the dropdown. If the ballot is claimable, the next button will become clickable or else it will show an error.

6. Click “Next” and set your gas value.

7. Sign and Send your transaction.

8. Now your tokens are now claimed, and you can continue to the next step to collect your token redistribution.

2) Submit Token Redistribution Collection:

  1. Open the Eximchain Wallet and navigate to the Governance Tab and Click on “Collect Tokens”.

2. Sign in a wallet using the seed phrase accessible through the Eximchain mobile app. And select and address with EXC.

3. Input the EXC address you are claiming tokens for. You can quickly copy your address from the top right of the wallet.

4. Select a ballot to collect from the dropdown. If the ballot is collectable, the next button will become clickable or else it will show an error.

5. Click “Next” and set your gas value.

6. Sign and Send your transaction.

7. Congratulations, your balance should be updated with the token redistribution!

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