Release notes Apr. 2018

Martin Flucka
Exit Live
Published in
5 min readApr 25, 2018

A whole bunch of new and exciting features were finished and deployed since our last release notes. Our main focus in the past couple of months was on the performer/venue side of things. This is why we will skip right over the Frontend section for this article and jump right into the changes to the Dashboard used by performers to manage their shows and data.


Stay up to date with notifications

We added a notification system to Exit Live.

Currently it’s only available in the dashboard, but we can’t wait until we add it to the main site for fans.

The current implemented notifications are:

  • You have a new follower
  • A show has been purchased
  • The bank account has been changed
  • A venue requested their show to be linked
  • An artist accepted the link request
  • An artist rejected the link request
  • A new administrator joined

For important notifications, you’ll also receive a notification email.

A place for all notifications

A place for all of your Settings

For now we moved the currency settings and the option to delete your page there. In the future whenever we add settings that are related to your page, they will end up right here.

The new Settings section in the dashboard

As you might notice in the screenshot, Publishing was renamed to Tools. Which is not only a less confusing title but also allows us to expand this section in the future. We also updated the icon for the Overview.

More options for external links

In addition to Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Google+, Youtube and Vimeo you can now link your SoundCloud, Spotify, Apple Music, Google Music and Amazon Music accounts. Your fans don’t need to miss out on any possibility to support you.

New external link options

Default images

Pages and shows no longer need images (profile/cover or banner) to be published. Instead default images will be used if you have not uploaded a custom image. We still encourage users to upload custom images as soon as possible.

Default images for page profile and banner
Default images for show cover and banner

Feeling generous? Support a good cause.

When you decide it is time to pay out your hard earned money, you are now able to give back and support selected charities. We started to work together with an organisation whose cause is very close to our ❤.

Best to let the organisation introduce themselves:

Music Venue Trust is a registered charity which acts to protect, secure and improve grassroots music venues in the UK. We have been fighting for nearly three years to stop these closures. We’ve achieved changes to the law, planning guidance, developments. We’ve fought back on behalf of venues to tackle the real reasons why they are closing down.

We will publish a separate story about this subject soon.

How much you want to donate is up to you
This is how we tell your fans that you have a big heart

Linking venue shows to performer shows

You manage a venue and want to get your cut for every sale of a show that was performed at your location? Here is the gist of what will soon be published as a separate story.

Linking shows couldn’t be easier: As a venue, you need to create the show for the correct date, and when that’s done, the platform automatically checks whether another show seems to be a link candidate, i.e.: a show that has been played by a performer at the same location and approximately the same time.

If Exit Live finds such a show, we propose this candidate and you simply need to click the “Link” button.

The performers then get a notification asking them to accept the link (since we want to avoid fake venues cashing in on sales). Once the performers have accepted the link, you’re all set.

Backdoor upload

Sometimes you don’t want to give your sound engineer full administration access to your Page for the purpose of uploading your recordings.

It is now possible to create a temporary backdoor for you sound engineer. You can create the link to this backdoor from within your dashboard.

Click the REQUEST BACKDOOR LINK button and send the link to your sound engineer

Your sound engineer can follow the link as soon as the audio tracks are ready for uploading and simply drag and drop them into the backdoor upload.

It‘s really that simple

You will be notified as soon as the files are ready. All that’s left to do is to go into your dashboard and assign the uploaded recordings to the corresponding tracks.

A few other things

Improved dialogs

Instead of boring standard browser dialog popup boxes we now have custom dialogs that are consistent with our design.

One example of the new dialogs

We added a section for testimonials and press coverage

Why people are psyched about Exit Live
Read up on the latest articles

We will continue to improve our platform and will keep you up to date on our latest changes. Your feedback is very important to us, so feel free to contact our support with suggestions.

