Exnetwork Helps Create an Intelligent System with Internet of Energy Network (IOEN)

Michelle Fernando
Published in
2 min readDec 27, 2021

Exnetwork announces its investment in Internet of Energy Network (IOEN), a community-driven, network that enables connection and value exchange between any energy device, user, or market.

IOEN’s mission is to enable homes anywhere to function together as an intelligent, cooperative electricity system using blockchain and Holochain technology. The company imagines a world of clean energy microgrids — the future of energy where homes are connected through a local, virtual energy microgrid everywhere. IOEN aims to create a digital infrastructure that supports this energy transition for everyone.

What is the Internet of Energy Network?

IOEN (pronounced ‘ion’) is an interconnected system that facilitates transactions within and between microgrids: from the appliance level, to energy generation, storage, and consumption.

IOEN consists of two subsystems:

  • The IOEN currency is the top layer token that is used as a staking mechanism to unlock value transfer to, from and between microgrid applications.
  • Staking the IOEN tokens unlocks Internet of Energy Community (IOEC) credits, which are used locally to support grid services and applications, and are used to transact energy value within them. The system is
    built on the Holochain platform and benefits from Holochain’s unique mutual credit accounting as well as its core competencies in privacy, scalability, and efficiency.

Energy devices — including storage devices like batteries, consumption devices like household appliances, or generation devices like solar panel systems— can be connected within the minigrid network. They can create a secure, reliable, and scalable minigrid together, and coordinate energy effectively. This unlocks the opportunity for more renewable energy within the local network.

Learn about the importance of microgrids below:

Get the latest news and updates from IOEN:

Website: https://www.ioen.tech/

Telegram: https://t.me/IOEN_global

Medium: https://medium.com/@IOEN

Twitter: https://twitter.com/IOEN_tech

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/ioentech

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClRJdQANEHeS-ZYVYlBhJwQ

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/internetofenergy.network

Get to know Exnetwork Capital

Exnetwork is Philippines’ #1 crypto fund with strong ties to every major geographical crypto community in the world. It’s exceptional network include several DAOs, telegram communities, a leading validator, incubator, idea labs, gaming guilds and growth agency.

In 2021, we’ve seen an incredibly strong period for innovation at Exnetwork Capital, with a barrage of creative projects developed by builders, early adopters, and visionaries all looking to develop the next big thing in crypto. Exnetwork Capital aims to invest in a diverse group of projects that will surely disrupt the market.

Website: http://exnetworkcapital.com/

Medium: https://medium.com/exnetwork

Telegram: https://t.me/exnetworkpublic

