How to stay consistent with your workouts

Abdul Raheem
Expert Republic
Published in
3 min readMar 15, 2022

Are you considering making your occasional jogging or Sunday gym session a regular habit?

You may be one of many casual exercisers who want to sweat more often but struggle to find the workout motivation to make fitness a part of your daily routine. As much as you might want to, you can’t really force motivation — at least not forever. But you can strengthen and learn from the drive you already have. It’s all a matter of discovering the best ways to turn your existing motivation into action.

Here are some tips that you might find useful in order to stay consistent and motivated:

Start slow

Don’t start a routine that you will probably not be able to carry out in the long term. Normally It takes around 20–40 days to form a habit. So, as you start to repeat the realistic and simple routine that you have set for yourself, exercising will become a habit that you can’t go on without. Challenge yourself to stick to your workout routine and do the same way with your diet plan. Start with low-calorie deficit portions and gradually increase into a high-calorie deficit once you have adjusted.

Be accountable.

When you’re not accountable to anyone it’s very easy not to maintain a proper workout routine and have an unhealthy diet. But when you have a fitness partner or an instructor, you will not want to disappoint them. When you are picking a partner or an instructor make sure that they’re as committed as you are because you both will work on the same goal. For example, Expert Republic lets you choose from a variety of Fitness trainers, coaches that will help you decide on a great workout routine, and with a healthy diet.

Have workout and diet plans.

A workout schedule and a meal plan are very important in your fitness journey. Plans will help you with the exercises and the foods to eat but don’t try to download any plan you find on the internet. Make a proper routine that is designed according to your fitness level and goals or ask help someone already professional.

And, don’t worry if you need help Expert Republic offers 1–1 and group video fitness consultations. This way, you don’t have to go to a physical gym to train, because with Expert Republic, all you have to do is book your preferred fitness trainer and jump on a video call to get started. We offer on-demand workouts, live-streaming classes, personal trainers, fitness instructors, and nutritionists to help you stay fit, right at the comfort of your own home.

Set short-term goals.

Set realistic, daily goals. Keep in mind to be gentle with yourself as you cannot expect results overnight. Exercising and maintaining a calorie deficit for such a long period is hard, which is why it’s always good to seek advice from a fitness coach or a nutritionist. Focus on short-term smaller goals rather than focusing on the bigger picture. You will be motivated to keep going once you attain your short-term goals.

Stop making excuses.

It’s easy to give so many excuses and reasons to not exercise. “I’m too tired, I’m too busy, I don’t have the time.” instead, think of how rewarding it will feel after your workout. The key to getting through workouts is finding the right balance between the things that make you work harder and those that reward you. Getting fit and reaching your fitness goals is not an easy task. So start doing it and get out of your comfort zone.

Find a workout buddy

Just when you think that you cannot do another push-up, your pal is there to say you can — and you do. A workout buddy can help because it encourages people to make connections with others who share common values and are pursuing similar goals.

Try Expert Republic!

Expert Republic allows customers to browse Experts in diverse industries, search through all Experts from many categories and make a booking. We at Expert Republic offer on-demand services related to fitness ranging from workout sessions, live-streaming classes, personal trainers, fitness instructors, and nutritionists. Connect with like-minded people, share tips, and advice to help get closer to reaching your fitness goals. Stay strong with Expert Republic as you live your fitness lifestyle!

