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an exercise in weight loss.
Note from the editor

Hi internet! Name’s Adam. I’m a journalist, graphic designer, coffee lover and city dweller, and I’m on a mission to lose weight. This site is a chronicle of my own weight loss journey, but I wanted to make it public in the off chance it provides a modicum of motivation or insight for anyone else embarking on a journey of his or her own. I can’t promise good exercise tips or recipes for healthy food or even coherent sentences all the time, but I do hope to update this regularly. It will be blunt at times, cagey at others, but I am aiming for honesty and transparency in all things.

Go to the profile of Adam Peck
Adam Peck
Editor at ThinkProgress. Contact me at: apeck@thinkprogress.org | (202) 741–6363
Go to the profile of Adam Peck
Adam Peck
Internet person. I run Brookland, a site dedicated to covering Stony Brook Athletics. Tweeting @sbusports.
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