Ways to Organize Clutter: Get Your Messy Life in Order

Jamila Renee Washington
Published in
5 min readFeb 29, 2024

Sick of your messy life getting in the way? The constant battle with clutter can feel draining and impossible to win. But it doesn’t have to be this way. Learn how to kick those piles of stuff to the curb and take control. Ditch the excuses and get ready for real change. We’ll tackle the hidden messes, learn smart storage solutions that save space, and implement simple habits that keep your home clutter-free for good. Say goodbye to wasted time searching for things you can’t find, and hello to a life filled with clarity and space to breathe. This ain’t your typical decluttering guide, it’s about creating lasting change. Let’s get started!

Photo By Jamal K. Walker

Ditch the “Someday” Mindset — Are you really gonna use that?

Okay, let’s be real — that beat-up treadmill collecting dust in the corner? The stack of magazines from 2008? Those jeans you swear will fit again “someday?” Yeah, it’s time to let them go. I know, parting with stuff can be hard. But that “someday” mindset is a major cluttering culprit.

Here’s the thing: holding onto things you don’t use or love weighs you down. It’s like carrying an invisible backpack full of guilt and “what ifs.” So, ask yourself the tough question: are you really going to use it? If the answer is a weak “maybe,” or an outright “no”, it’s time to say goodbye. Donate it, sell it, or toss it. Be ruthless about getting rid of anything you haven’t used in ages. Trust me, the relief is worth it.

Out of Sight, Out of Mind: Where’s all This Stuff Coming From?

Clutter isn’t just about what you can see, it’s about those hidden messes too. You know what I’m talking about — the overflowing drawers, the crammed cabinets, the piles under the bed. Out of sight, out of mind, right? Wrong! Clutter loves to hide, and then multiply like pesky little gremlins.

Take a fearless look at those unseen corners of your life. Does everything lurking there spark joy? Is it in decent condition? Does it actually belong there? If the answer is no to any of these, it’s gotta go. Sorting and purging those hidden messes can feel incredibly liberating — like taking a deep breath of fresh air after being stuck in a stuffy room.

The One-In, One-Out Rule: Your Secret Weapon

Okay, let’s get proactive about keeping the clutter at bay. Think of it like crowd control — no one gets in unless someone else leaves. Adopt the “one-in, one-out” rule, it’s the bouncer of the organizing world!

You want something new and shiny? Fantastic! But before you let it through the door, something else needs to make an exit. New sweater? Great, donate one you don’t wear much. This keeps your belongings from overflowing their boundaries and forces you to be mindful about what actually adds value to your life. It’s your secret weapon against creeping clutter.

Get Vertical! Storage Solutions That’ll Change Your Life

Forget about cramming everything into limited floor space, it’s time to think up! Your walls are a treasure trove of untapped storage potential. Shelves, hooks, and pegboards are your new heroes. Hang bulky items like bikes and tools, or use floating shelves to display books and keepsakes. Don’t forget about your doors! Over-the-door organizers can hold everything from shoes to cleaning supplies. Even that awkward space behind the bathroom door can become a storage superstar with a few well-placed hooks. Utilize the unused real estate above your cabinets, under your bed, and behind furniture to maximize storage opportunities. The possibilities are endless, so get creative!

Label It Like You Love It: Finding Stuff Should Be Easy

Ever lost your mind searching for car keys that disappeared into the black hole under your couch? Or wasted hours digging for that one crucial document? Yeah, not fun. Labeling is your savior when it comes to finding stuff fast. Clear containers and a label maker (or even just masking tape and a pen) are your new best friends. Label everything — from pantry staples to those mysterious boxes in the attic. Invest in some drawer dividers for socks, undies, and other smaller bits and pieces. Trust me, the frustration you save will be more than worth the small effort.

The 10-Minute Tidy-Up: Little Efforts, Big Results

Let’s be honest, massive organizing projects sound about as appealing as a root canal. But here’s the secret: a few minutes of effort every day can make a huge difference. Set a timer for 10 minutes and tackle one small area like a junk drawer, cluttered countertop, or that pile of mail. Even if you don’t finish the entire space, those little bursts of tidying up add up, preventing bigger messes from forming. Think of it like mini workouts for your home. It’s about consistency, not a one-time marathon session. Make it a fun challenge — turn on some upbeat music and race against the clock. Before you know it, those little victories will snowball into a clutter-free zone.

And hey, don’t be afraid to experiment! There’s no one-size-fits-all solution to decluttering. Some organizing gurus swear by minimalism, others focus on practical storage solutions. The internet is full of decluttering tips and tricks to explore — find what resonates with you. Curious about the ultimate method for tackling that overflowing closet?

Don’t Let the Mess Come Back: Maintenance is Key

Alright, you’ve conquered the clutter, reclaimed your space, and are feeling like a boss. But the job’s not quite over. Keeping your newfound order requires a little maintenance, kinda like keeping a car running smoothly. Here are a few simple habits that keep the mess at bay: The Two-Minute Rule: If a task takes less than two minutes, do it right away. Toss that empty cup in the dishwasher, hang up your coat — don’t let those tiny to-dos pile up. Designated Drop Zones: Create clear spaces for stuff that always lands where it shouldn’t. Incoming mail, keys, sunglasses — give them a dedicated “home” to prevent haphazard piles. Regular Reset Days: Even with the best intentions, things get messy sometimes. Schedule a quick 15-minute reset day each week to get your house ship-shape again.



Jamila Renee Washington
Editor for

I focus on topics related to decluttering.