Go to Extinction Rebellion
Extinction Rebellion
The magazine of the rebellion.
Note from the editor

The magazine of the climate rebellion.

Go to the profile of Jason Cole
Jason Cole
Open education advocate, writer, trying to find a way forward.
Go to the profile of Kelly Tatham
Kelly Tatham
Fugitive. Systemsthinker. Saving the world is easier than we think. There is no world // loveandthemultiverse.substack.com/
Go to the profile of Drew McNamee
Drew McNamee
One step at a time.
Go to the profile of Thomas Sinclair
Thomas Sinclair
Associate Professor of Philosophy at Wadham College and the University of Oxford, UK.
Go to the profile of Stuart Basden
Stuart Basden
Extinction Rebellion co-founder. I facilitate the emergence of diversity, openness & complexity in our beautiful universe, and resist oppression & exploitation.
Go to the profile of Extinction Rebellion Belgium
Extinction Rebellion Belgium
We are in a period of abrupt #ClimateBreakdown. Join the #ExtinctionRebellion #XRBelgium http://rebellion.earth. Do you want to be part of the movement?
Go to the profile of Extinction Rebellion NYC
Extinction Rebellion NYC
Go to the profile of Extinction Rebellion
Extinction Rebellion
The revolution will be published. Submit: medium.com/extinction-rebellion
Go to the profile of Greg Bratone
Greg Bratone
Greg is an environmental activist living in New York City.
Go to the profile of Sam J Knights
Sam J Knights
writer, actor, activist, clown | writing about imagination, revolution, and the end of the world
Go to the profile of PeterLandau
I write unpublishable novels and draw dead people, who can’t complain that my picture doesn’t look like them. @peterlandau (Instagram & Twitter)
Go to the profile of Will Franks 🌊
Will Franks 🌊
Go to the profile of Ellie Robins
Ellie Robins
Writer at the Guardian, Washington Post, LA Times, etc. A wanderer learning to live in place. Web: ellierobins.com. Newsletter: tinyletter.com/here.
Go to the profile of Satya Robyn
Satya Robyn
Buddhist priest running a temple in Malvern. Extinction Rebellion rebel. Psychotherapist. Writer. Foolish being.
Go to the profile of Guy Walker
Guy Walker
“Smells like trouble to me.” -Iggy Azalea
Go to the profile of Emma Burnett
Emma Burnett
Doctoral researcher. Writer. Nerd. Big into cats.
Go to the profile of Drew McNamee
Drew McNamee
One step at a time.
Go to the profile of Zac Lee Rigg
Go to the profile of Helena G. Harvilicz
Go to the profile of Rupert Read
Rupert Read
Professor at #UEA. Civilisational dissident. Author of @Parents4AFuture. Check out my new project on counterfactual histories: https://rupertread.substack.com
Go to the profile of Nadia Colburn
Nadia Colburn
helps women unlock the power of their creative voice. For a free ebook with the seven tools to write with more power and ease visit https://nadiacolburn.com/