Truth In Satire

30 Nasty BRITISH Nicknames For Donald Trump You Won’t Be Hearing On The BBC

The past week has given the Brits a chance to blast the Bloviator-In-Chief with a proper list of withering epithets

Allan Ishac
Extra Newsfeed
Published in
2 min readJul 16, 2018


The American Embarrassment walks in front of the 92-year-old Queen like the oblivious, self-absorbed knob he is. (Credit:

In February of 2017, a list of 50 uncomplimentary nicknames for Donald Trump made the rounds on the Internet.

This past week, during his unwelcome visit to their country, the English had a chance to skewer the “Fat Bastard Shitgibbon” with their own brand of insults.

Be sure to read these nasty nicknames with a British accent:

  1. Mangled Apricot Hellbeast
  2. Tangerine Wankmaggot
  3. Fossil Fool
  4. Failed Fanny
  5. Cockwomble
  6. Incompressible Jizz Trumpet
  7. Witless Fucking Cocksplat
  8. Horny White Wanker
  9. Wotsit-Faced Gammon
  10. Waste Man
  11. Tweeting Twat
  12. Tangerine Roaster
  13. Tiny-Fingered, Cheeto-Faced, Ferret-Wearing Shitgibbon
  14. Tosser
  15. Fuckin’ Scunner



Allan Ishac
Extra Newsfeed

Author of The Mystic In The Mews ( Satirist. Humor writer. Former advertising creative director. Visit me at