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Extra Newsfeed
Extra Newsfeed
the same political rants you see on Facebook, but they're well written.
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Truth In Satire

Trump Says Orange Skies Over California Suggest, ‘The State Is About To Go My Way Big…

Truth In Satire

Thousands Of West Coast Surfers Confused About Warnings Of “A Second Big Wave,” CA…

Truth In Satire

Californians Use Afternoon Drive Time To Taunt Trumplethinskin

Truth In Satire

Travel Site Assigns Trivago Guy To Wine Tasting Tours After DUI Arrest

Truth In Satire

Trump Approves $16B For “Forest Floor Vacuums” To Prevent California Fires

Truth In Satire

President Puts Foot In Mouth While Seeking Pleasure In Paradise

Truth In Satire

California, New York, Oregon and Maine Agree To Secede, Forming “New Coastia”

Massachusetts, New Jersey, Connecticut and Washington State also interested in leaving the…