Go to F*cked Up Books
F*cked Up Books
A blog about f*cked-up books; the definition has no formal parameters, but includes weird fiction, horror, sci-fi, fantasy, “slipstream”, experimental literature, & other stuff you probably won’t find at the airport bookshop. Posts by J.R. McConvey, unless noted otherwise.
Note from the editor

A blog about f*cked-up books; the definition has no formal parameters, but includes weird fiction, horror, sci-fi, fantasy, “slipstream”, experimental literature, & other stuff you probably won’t find at the airport bookshop. Posts by J.R. McConvey, unless noted otherwise.

Go to the profile of J.R. McConvey
J.R. McConvey
Digital storyteller. Fiction writer. Documentary producer. Aspiring kraken. jrmcconvey.com.