Here is the step-by-step list to test the evolution of Firebase: Cloud Firestore (beta)! 🎉

Cloud Firestore is the “evolution” of the Firebase Realtime Database (see my previous article), which captures all the extraordinary flexible and scalable database, mobile and web development features by adding interesting query creation tools (the weakest feature of the dear Realtime Database).

Moreover it keeps your data in sync across client apps through realtime listeners and offers offline support for mobile and web so you can build responsive apps that work regardless of network latency or Internet connectivity.

Cloud Firestore setup

Create a new Firebase app on your Firebase console with your Google Account by clicking on “Add project” and typing “cloud-firestore-test”.

In this way, we will get a classic Firebase (Realtime Database) application: to test the new features we then visit the Google Cloud Console and select the project to add the Google Cloud Firestore API to the library.

