Angular + Firebase + Typescript — Step by step tutorial

A tutorial on starting to solve Free Code Camp’s “Book Trading” challenge

Jonny Fox
Factory Mind



Checkout my new Angular + Cloud Firestore (a “new version” of Firebase) article 😙.

In this tutorial we will use Angular and Firebase (with the mighty Typescript) to implement a real-time "Book Trading" web application

Working DEMO here! 🎠 Github repo here! 😙

The solution must adhere to the following user stories:

  • I can view all books posted by every user
  • I can add a new book to My Library
  • I can propose a trade and wait for the other user to accept the trade

At the same time, we will start to solve one of the challenges of the Free Code Camp’s back-end certification 🎉.


For those who do not know Firebase is a Google product whose features can be summarized in the following sentence:

Firebase is a real-time NoSQL cloud database (but also cloud storage and messaging service and authentication service and — see here) that helps you…

