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Fair Trade
Fair Trade for Youth is a an online zine developed by participants of “Introducing fair trade for youth” — an international youth exchange organised in Spain with the support of Erasmus + programme
Note from the editor

Fair Trade for Youths is a an online zine developed by participants of “Introducing fair trade” — an international youth exchange organised in Spain, by A ESMORGA with the support of Erasmus + programme. This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Go to the profile of Switch Fair
Go to the profile of Cristina Toscan
Go to the profile of Edo Sadikovic
Go to the profile of Gee Meggers
Go to the profile of Switch Fair
Go to the profile of Ena Sadikovic
Go to the profile of Cristina Toscan
Go to the profile of Edo Sadikovic
Go to the profile of Gee Meggers
Go to the profile of Stefan Petrache