FairySwap Biweekly Report

FairySwap Contributor
Fairy Swap
Published in
2 min readApr 18, 2022


  • Total Token Supply:1,068,447.398
  • Transfers:21,272
  • Addresses:607
  • weekly max TVL:$50,039,627
  • Block Rewards:20,000
  • TG Users:67,123
  • Twitter Users:30,486
  • Discord Users:10,488

FairySwap will continue to optimize and upgrade products, enrich the ecosystem, launch the cross-chain + multi-chain NFT trading platform, and implement the plan of Fairyverse, allowing users to participate in more ecosystems, increase FAIRY’s utilization efficiency and gain more profits while providing users with the ability to freely trade cross-chain assets.

The FairySwap programming pixies have been working their magic, optimizing features, building the ecosystem, and making the Fairy more useful and efficient. Here’s a quick rundown of what we’ve been working on:

  • Launching a cross-chain NFT trading platform
  • Creating the Fairyverse
  • Increasing access to FairySwap to build the user-base
  • Building cross-chain capabilities

as well as lots of other mischief as well! Here’s a breakdown of our progress so far this April:

Product Progress:

NFT trading platform: Currently, v1.0 is developed and we are entering the stage of bug repair and page optimization. After an initial testing period, we will officially launch it with an airdrop campaign.

Fairyverse: We have completed a competitor analysis , identified the target users, and discussed the gameplay. Next, we will finalize the game, make the development plan, and announce official updates with FairySwap’s official Twitter account.

Ecosystem Development:

On April 7th, BitKeep wallet officially added support for the Findora (FRA) main chain and FairySwap Dapp. Users with FRA and other designated tokens can enter FairySwap liquidity mining through BitKeep wallet. The current APR gains have reached 200%+.

On April 7th, FairySwap Q2 roadmap was announced. We will upgrade products and gradually launch the NFT trading platform, activate DAO community governance, deploy Polygon cross-chain transactions and more, to create the best trading platform experience on the Findora chain.

On April 8th, FairySwap was officially listed on CoinMarketCap, a well-known price-tracking website, through which users can search for FairySwap’s introduction and token information in real time.

On April 9th, the application for the launch on Coingecko, the world’s largest independent cryptocurrency data aggregator, was completed and FairySwap will be officially listed soon.

On April 13th, the Findora token was listed on one of the top 5 trading platforms in the world — Kucoin. Users can obtain FRA tokens through the KuCoin exchange, provide liquidity on FairySwap, and stake FRA LP tokens to mine and get $FAIRY.

FairySwap — — the first DEX on Findora




FairySwap Contributor
Fairy Swap

FairySwap is the first AMM Decentralized Exchange (DEX) built on Findora, a 100% community-driven, fair-launched initiative.