Go to Remenant Walk: Faith Steps
Remenant Walk: Faith Steps
The remnants are those set apart, those remaining. As apostasy grows more abundant and the antichrist spirit grows stronger Christians must stand for Jesus like never before. We are called to be the light in the darkness. So let your let shine. The ecclesia is rising.
Note from the editor

This walk is not meant for the feint of heart. Sometimes the truth isn’t pretty but it’s always relevant and timely for someone. When you make your “test” your “testimony” God gets the glory and someone is offered hope. Here’s hoping I can share a little hope. In the meantime, want to contribute? Stay biblical, pray about it, and back it up with the word. I’ll give it a look and we’ll take it from there. God Bless! ( Please no affiliate links or embeds.)https://medium.com/faith-steps

Go to the profile of Cameo Contreras
Cameo Contreras
Unapologetic lover of Christ. Mother, writer, and friend. I write what I know.
Go to the profile of Cameo Contreras
Cameo Contreras
Unapologetic lover of Christ. Mother, writer, and friend. I write what I know.
Go to the profile of Ryan Fan
Ryan Fan
Believer, Baltimore City IEP Chair, and 2:39 marathon runner. Diehard fan of “The Wire.” Support me by becoming a Medium member: https://bit.ly/39Cybb8