Go to Fansplaining: The podcast by, for, and about fandom
Fansplaining: The podcast by, for, and about fandom
Please visit fansplaining.com for all of our writing
Note from the editor

Fansplaining has been the podcast home for discussion about fans and fandom — all sorts of fandoms and all types of fans — for the past two years. We wanted to create a space for writing about fandom that complimented the podcast, a mix of our own work and guest pieces—a mix of essays, explainers, and other writing on fan culture. If you’d like to get involved, please get in touch!

Go to the profile of Elizabeth Minkel
Elizabeth Minkel
Fan culture // books // etc. Editor: How We Get to Next. Digital projects: New Yorker. Co-host of Fansplaining & co-curator of The Rec Center.
Go to the profile of Flourish Klink
Flourish Klink
Chief Research Officer & Partner at Chaotic Good Studios. Co-host of Fansplaining. (Opinions published here are just my own, though.)
Go to the profile of Elizabeth Minkel
Elizabeth Minkel
Fan culture // books // etc. Editor: How We Get to Next. Digital projects: New Yorker. Co-host of Fansplaining & co-curator of The Rec Center.
Go to the profile of Flourish Klink
Flourish Klink
Chief Research Officer & Partner at Chaotic Good Studios. Co-host of Fansplaining. (Opinions published here are just my own, though.)
Go to the profile of Anne Jamison
Anne Jamison
U of U English. Comp. Lit. Historical poetics. Kafka. Czech. Fangirl for fanfic. Probably supposed to be grading.
Go to the profile of Allyson Gross
Allyson Gross
Go to the profile of Caroline Crampton
Caroline Crampton
Writer, editor and podcaster.