Skincare Simplified

Less Products, Clearer skin, Who Would have Thought?!

Lisa Cangialosi
10 min readJul 26, 2019


I really hit a wall one day. I think it was a time my acne was really flaring up, and I HAD IT. I had a nice cluster-f*ck of pimples just chillin on my face. Blame it on stress, hormones, or mercury in retrograde. I feel like that bitch is always in retrograde. Basically, I came to the conclusion I needed to do something about my acne/face situation, and FAST. What did I do? Well, I hit the internet — HARD in search of the latest and greatest face stuff to make me look like a glowing, angel baby.

I was reeled in by the ads that really getcha going. The one’s that basically shoot straight to your soul like “GET THIS BECAUSE YOUR LIFE IS GOING TO BE SO MUCH BETTER! YOUR SKIN WILL BE GLISTENING, AND DEWY AND ALL OF THE OTHER BEAUTIFUL THINGS IN LIFE!” Come on, tell me you wouldn’t want a product like that! So, I experimented with said products, only to be left with some irritated skin and low self-esteem to match. UGH. I realized, I really needed to take a more proactive approach to my skincare regimen, because let’s face it, skin is the biggest organ we have — the more ya know! Being that I’m a nurse, I put a lot of pressure on myself to get to the bottom or at least somewhere around there, of why my skin is so irritated by these products. What ingredients are in these that are making my skin look even worse, AND can I do away with so many products? So many questions!

“I was that person who never moisturized when I was younger because I thought the oil on my face was enough, why the hell would I add more?”

Let’s start answering then, shall we? First off, I’d like to state that this info is based solely off of some research I’ve done to see what can help my acne-prone skin. I can’t guarantee that the same will work for everyone, but I highly encourage you all to do your own research to find what works for you. I’ve come to understand that there are A LOT of ingredients in skin-care products that are just no good for our skin — let that sink in. That’s just it! These chemical ingredients absorb into your body, and in the blood stream! UHHH, say what now? Now, I don’t plan to get all scientific up in here, but I do want to touch on a few examples. Everyone grab your products!

SLS or Sodium Lauryl Sulfate: This is the big one right here. Anywhere you search on the internet, you’ll most likely see this listed as one of the BIGGEST ingredients to avoid if you want to take care of your skin properly. This is found in so many products, from skincare to toothpaste! According to an article by “Hello Glow”, titled “12 INGREDIENTS TO AVOID IN MAKEUP + SKINCARE PRODUCTS”: “SLS has been shown to cause or contribute to: skin irritation, canker sores, disruptions of skin’s natural oil balance and eye damage.” It is also comedogenic, guys! The author also notes it being a “contributor to acne (especially cystic acne)” EW WHY.

Isopropyl Myristate: According to the article “Truth in Aging”, this ingredient is used as an “emollient, thickening agent or lubricant in beauty products.” This ingredient is typically very penetrating. So much so that the article also goes on to say that it is used as an ingredient in “rust-removers” as well. Uhh, well that escalated quickly…Lastly, the article mentions “In more than 5% of formulations, it can cause skin irritation; for this reason, it is considered a comedogenic and is aggravating to acne.” Perfect.

Parabens: This info really threw me through a loop! Parabens are chemical ingredients found not only in make-up, but in food that we eat on the regular! It’s job is to stop the growth of fungus and/or bacteria, according to the article: “Should People Be Concerned about Parabens in Beauty Products?” The article goes on to mention a big concern for public health advocates being “cumulative exposure to the chemicals from several different products could be overloading our bodies and contributing to a wide range of health problems.” This is scary. It’s a big reason why I’m trying so hard to lessen the amount my body is exposed to these harmful chemicals! But wait, parabens are bad, but what about the harmful bacteria or fungus? Without the parabens to keep that in check, is our make-up doomed? Fear not! According to the CSC (Campaign for Safe Cosmetics), “Many natural and organic cosmetics manufacturers have found effective alternatives to parabens to prevent microbial growth in personal care products”. Now that’s something I can get behind! Does it suck that the product may not last as long? Well, sure, but you know what sucks more? “Of greatest concern is that parabens are known to disrupt hormone function, an effect that is linked to increased risk of breast cancer and reproductive toxicity,” reports the non-profit Campaign for Safe Cosmetics (CSC) — taken from the above mentioned article.

Petroleum Distillates: Something interesting occurred when reading about this ingredient. According to the article I mentioned above by “Hello Glow” it is an ingredient that “may cause contact dermatitis and are often contaminated with cancer-causing impurities”, but the first thing I read was “found in mascara” UHHH no, thanks. I then quickly searched up the current mascara I’m using which I wasn't too concerned about because I use the Lash Domination Volumizing Mascara, by BareMinerals. This brand created the wonderful “Complexion Rescue” without a lot of harmful chemicals (been using this in place of foundation for four months now). If you want to know more about what I’m talking about, read more about it here. Any one who knows me, knows I LOVE this brand, but was quite saddened to see that it wasn’t petroleum that stuck out in the ingredient list, but the dreaded SLS (Sodium Lauryl Sulfate)! That’s right folks, I’m now a little disheartened by this, and will be searching for a new mascara.

“My skin has suffered for far too long being irritated by different shitty chemicals.”

Alright so I could go on and on when it comes to chemicals in make-up/skin care products. What is the moral of the story? Do your research! If you are having a hard time pronouncing the name of an ingredient, that should be the first signal to get to the inter-webs. Sounds a bit excessive, maybe, but if it means doing right by my body, then yes I’ll be that crazy lady with my phone in hand searching up a product’s ingredients while at the store. My skin has suffered for far too long being irritated by different shitty chemicals. Gone are the days of harsh perfume smells and products drowning in denatured alcohol! Yeah, if you see denatured alcohol (alcohol denat) in your ingredient list, run fast and far, unless you enjoy the feeling of sand-paper skin, ya dig?

Now, can you avoid all the chemicals? Ehh, it’s really really difficult, but if you’re up to the challenge, my hat’s off to you. Never-say-never! What I can say I’m truly happy about is how much I’ve simplified my skin-care regimen all together and how much better my skin feels/looks (added bonus of not having that shit absorb in my bloodstream — v-cool.) So how did I simplify my regimen?

The breakdown:

Cleanser: Tea tree oil face wash from Trader Joe’s (I’ve been using this for about 8 years. It doesn’t strip my face of its natural oils and leaves my face feeling super clean. Best of all? The ingredients are pretty decent!

Toner: T.N. Dickinson’s witch hazel (I stand by this being the best product to use as a toner. There’s no fancy smells or other crap in there. Stick to the basics.)

Moisturizers: I moisturize with jojoba oil at night, and in the morning, I apply plant derived squalane.


I really want to focus on the moisturizers I’ve been using for a while, because I feel that these two have really made a huge impact.

For all my oily-face babes who are cringing at the thought of applying (what seems like) more oil to your face, don’t leave me just yet! While jojoba oil feels oily when applying, it absorbs beautifully. It’s non-irritating, non-comedogenic, and anti-bacterial. According to the article “Jojoba Oil Benefits for Face, Hair, Body and More”, Jojoba oil is considered a “liquid plant wax and has been used in folk medicine for a number of ailments. Native Americans use jojoba oil for treating sores and bruises.” It is considered to be a skin protectant, moisturizer, make-up remover, and so much more! Essentially, it’s a wax in oil form that mimics the sebum on your face to help create the perfect balance! What does that mean? Basically it controls the sh!t out of the oil that’s already on your face, so you’re not looking like a grease bomb throughout the day!

Another HUGE perk? I’ve been using it as basically a tanning oil/sunscreen this summer because apparently it’s spf 4 (not much, but if your skin is darker, it works). I feel that it’s been helping me tan better and keep my tan longer without burning. Say what?! There are a couple of key factors to consider. I’m not sitting out in the sun for hours on end. The results I’m seeing are from timed sun exposure, because quite frankly, uhh, it get’s hot out there! None-the-less, I’m super happy about this because don’t even get me STARTED on the chemical sun-screens — (that’s for a whole different blog post for a different day!) I purchase my bottle of jojoba oil from amazon. You don’t need to get some fancy jojoba oil. Amazon is fancy enough in my book LOL.

Damn, I wish my bottle didn’t look like crap, sorry guys.

Okay so, oil at night, but more oil in the AM? Lisa, what gives?! I know, I know. I was that person who never moisturized when I was younger because I thought the oil on my face was enough, why the hell would I add more? #loldumb…I am so glad I grew up and educated myself more. So yes, in the AM I apply plant-derived squalane recommended to me by good friend, and fellow skincare/beauty enthusiast, Nicole (thanks girl). Plant-derived already sounds amazing. What does that mean? Well, it comes from plants! Let’s dig a little deeper. Firstly, it’s important to make the distinction between squalene and squalane. In the article, What Exactly Is Squalane? Plus, the Best Skin Care Products With Squalane You Should Be Using”, Susan Brikell notes: “Squalene is a fatty molecule found in the skin…The human body actually produces squalene (a part of our skin’s own natural moisture)” In summary, the BIG and most important difference is that squalene is highly unstable, oxidizes quickly and can clog pores — the article notes: “but when it is hydrogenated, it becomes squalane, a much more stable ingredient.”

It used to come from the liver of sharks (would have been enough to turn me off), but ya know, cruelty-free is the way to be, so it is now extracted from plants! I purchase a lovely little bottle from “The Ordinary.” It is a 30ml bottle priced at $7.90. The bottle seems small, but I purchased in April of this year and still have more than half left. The key is that a little goes a long way. I don’t think I really have anything bad to say about it. It absorbs beautifully without irritating. Did you know that in our bodies squalene actually “starts to heavily decline in our 20s,” according to Susan Brickell. Better stock up now!

Both the jojoba oil and squalane are applied the same. I put about 3 drops in my hand, press my hands together and then pat my face applying pressure to help the oil absorb well. That’s all there is to it. I don’t feel greasy with it on, and the best is that I have less break outs since starting this routine about 4 months prior. This was also when I stopped wearing foundation and switched to the tinted moisturizer “Complexion Rescue” that I mentioned above.

I believe that it has been a combination of things that really has helped my face so much. I like using one-ingredient products (i.e. jojoba oil and squalane oil) when possible. I no longer suffer from cystic acne, my skin texture has improved so much that there are some days I wear zero face make-up. This is something you’d NEVER catch me doing in the past. Hopefully this will be for good. Of course, nothing is perfect. My skin definitely still has its moments. I’m starting to realize what causes my skin to “freak out”. A lot of the time it’s when I’m anxious. I tend to break out like crazy. I also end up having hives on my face which is never cute, but I’m happy I at least know now what’s behind the break-out (for the most part). Add in a week of eating like crap, not drinking enough water, having my period, etc and I’m really in for it. Remember ladies and gents, self-care is so important — so drink enough water, meditate, read what’s in your products, and simplify your skin-care regimen! Your skin will thank you for it.

Fashionablee yours

Lisa ❤



Lisa Cangialosi

I’m a simple Jersey Girl. I enjoy mom and pop shops, especially if I can get a good cup of a coffee. This is where I tell my story. ❤