For Who

Users First: Social Trends and Unmet Needs

4 min readApr 30, 2018


FashTime is innovating the inefficient social media fashion MFA through a 3-steps time-centered process. However, our solutions needed to be interconnected with a new content and platform experience: The FashTime Ecosystem consists of valuable tools for Users and Brands to interact with.

The most recent social media trends — together with our target users’ unmet needs — put the basis to build the whole FashTime platform. Time is its engine and the competitive advantage we always keep in mind.

Consumer Players (needs): Gen Z & The Late Millennial

What does the young generation want to see in a platform?

· Purpose driven: Drove by a mutual sense of purpose

The “impact generation”: Gen Z are focused on finding meaning in their lives. Gen Z want a brand with purpose that values ethics & social responsibility.

· Style-centric & video — natives: Use cloths as a way to communicate

The “free-style (digital) generation”: Gen Z are looking to embrace freedom & share their “vibes” through clothes. Nearly all use YouTube and 50% say they can’t live without it.

· Authentic & freedom of expression first: “Be you” “Do you” is a lifestyle

The “no photoshop” generation: Gen Z are interested in real photo shoots, real people, not overly polished. Everything you say or do will be scrutinized for whether it’s “real” or not. Gen Z are the “depressed generation”: for the 55%, IG affect their self-esteem.

· Inclusivity Evangelists: Community unifies.

The “feedback generation” or the “less confident generation”: Gen Z seek daily feedback. Gen Z love being part of a community that let its members help each others and enhance self expression.

· Family — backed Street Shoppers: Want to both feel unique and part of a community

The “high-street generation”: Gen Z are known for their interest in online shopping and have a big say on family spending decisions. 80 percent of Gen Z purchases are influenced by social media.

· Micro — Influencers Interpreneurs: Leverage blogging and monetize personal branding

The “personal brand generation”: Gen Z show a lot of initiative nurturing, maintaining and utilizing their online presence to their advantage, whether that be on Instagram, Twitch, YouTube or other platforms and apps.

· Crypto-friendly: Want to make extra cash with the new economy

The “self-made generation”: GenZ with higher student loans and faced with higher costs of living are open to new ways to make money autonomously, crypto investing and the possibility of what token economies could become.

FashTime is addressing the late Millennial & emergent Z Generations through a trendy attention platform, while creating an interactive network that structures how they communicate TODAY.

Business Players (needs): Brands

How do brands should behave?


· Focus on cool Social media

Social engagement is the most popular online activity. The Millennial and Z generations

regularly use social media to engage among each other and with their favourite brands. Gen Z shoppers are far more likely to experiment with new services provided by retailers.

· Overload on feedback

Social engagement is the most popular online activity. The Millennial and Z generations regularly use social media to engage among each other and with their favourite brands. Gen Z shoppers are far more likely to experiment with new services provided by retailers.

E-commerce conversion

· Get closer to the costumer with a new form of content (At scale)

Since 2010, there has been a 530% increase in social media advertising so it comes as no surprise that consumers are engaging with social channels for product information and purchase.

· Don’t be scared about ads and make use of multiple channels

As digital natives, Gen Zs use different networks for each stage of their shopping journey and have developed a high tolerance for digital ads


· Get new insights to enhance your followers / costumers

Measurement has become increasingly complex due to fragmented customer journeys.

Connecting with customers in the right moment is crucial. The result is that data is a significant part of

everyday marketing strategies.

FashTime is connecting brands to the late Millennial & emergent Z Generations through seamless attention platforms, while creating an interactive network that structures how businesses and consumers communicate TODAY.


FashTime is a young (funded) tech-startup that is reimagining social media through a disruptive platform: Follow us on Instagram :)




Bringing the power & monetary value of time to social media users & brands, in the fashion lifestyle market.