My Husband Texted the Cruelest Things About Me — to the Woman He Loves

His emotional affair has gone way too far — and now I have to confront him

Holly Paige
Fearless She Wrote


Photo by Ivan Samkov from Pexels

It’s been two days since I’ve read the texts. Two difficult, uncomfortable days full of emotional whiplash.

I was shocked when I found the messages on my husband’s old phone. Just a couple of days prior, I’d bought him a new one with more storage space because his old one was running so poorly. I had to set it all up for him and switch his account over (it took hours).

My curiosity is notorious. I already knew he’d been having an emotional affair with this woman, and that they are best friends. She’s a fellow filmmaker friend he sometimes works on projects with, and I’ve snooped through their texts once before.

I did talk to my husband about that time I looked through his phone, and I thought we’d moved past it. I’m not upset that he loves this woman or that he’s attracted to her — I’ve shared with him that I truly believe I’m polyamorous. I’m not jealous, and I’ve been open to exploring ethical non-monogamy together.

I am upset, however, at the vile, hateful things he says to her about me. Things he has never, ever said to my face. This is not the transparent ethical non-monogamy that I’m drawn to…



Holly Paige
Fearless She Wrote

Curious creature, pursuer of passion, unbeliever in limiting or lengthy bios. Email me at